dfc454's LTE of stupidity

dfc454's LTE

news #10: war has ended.

[~88,187 characters]

section I: welcome

chapter 1: new beginnings

[Sep 13, 2024, 2:20 PM] welcome. you may have seen the previous version of this LTE, but if not, I am changing up a few things. i know i've been inactive on this LTE lately, in fact I haven't even touched the thing in 4 months. i have decided im going to start over from scratch, and see where it goes from here. get ready for the LTE of all LTEs, because this is gonna be the longest thing you've ever read. well, not quite yet, as this is only the first chapter. EVENTUALLY it will be the longest. just not yet. be patient. the previous lte i made on here had around 45,000 characters, and seriously i CANNOT thank you guys enough. i still cant believe 1000 people actually bothered to look at this site. the old LTE will be archived on this site. there will be a link above once i update this again. just wanted to clarify a few things. also "the story" will still be on here too if anyone wants to bother reading that too. the date thing will still be on here, so you can see when i've written certain parts. also, new table of contents, if you want to continue reading from a select spot. nothing else going on so see you later.

chapter 2: thinking with portals

[Sep 13, 2024, 4:09 PM] sooo... i decided to play the chamber 13 timed map in portal. if you did not know, timed maps are bonus maps in portal. there are others which are least steps and least portals. it took 1 and a half hours to get a 9 second time. i came super close around 4 times. it was HELL to go through that, but i finally did it. 9 seconds is now my pb. i might do speedruns of portal again one day, but for now im gonna stick with working on specific chambers. and im not doing 8 seconds until im ready, because 8 seconds is even harder. do not attempt unless you want to spend an hour trying to get a 9 second time on one singular chamber. i may never recover from that. i dont know what else to put here, so see ya later...again

chapter 3: lie

[Sep 15, 2024, 2:24 PM] i have something to tell you all. the character count isn't actually right! [evil laugh] its also counting the actual html code. it goes by the total length of the actual file, which is currently 3,307 characters. that's what notepad++ says. huh, 3,000 already. thats around 1,000 characters a chapter. i have LIED to you all [evil laugh] but seriously, the real length of this LTE is probably just 3,400 characters because 100 of them are just html thingies. i was EVIL this entire time. changed my mind i dont want to be evil anymore. just thought i would clarify the whole character counter thing. goodbye

section II: return

chapter 4: inactivity is everywhere

[Nov 2, 2024, 4:29 PM] yeahhh so i have been gone for a LITTLE while now. sorry about that. y'know, one thing i wonder sometimes is what happened to the old LTE writers like flamingchicken? where are they now? we may never know but its been something on my mind for a while now so why not update this again after like 2 entire months?? i keep forgetting about this thing. my memory is quite weird. i can recite the first 120 digits of pi (yes im not joking) but i cant remember where i put that goddamn tv remote. anyway since i said i am able to recite 120 digits of pi. (there might be a few mistakes) 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 05820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844.... at least i think thats 120 digits... i don't know the rest. that might add a little to the lte character count. speaking of characters, lets see the count... and it is... 3,500+. thats it. also whats funny is that the most used letter in my old lte is E. yes, E. 10% of the entire thing is E. and E is actually most used so far here too. also i now have an interest in angry birds. yes we have deviated from the topic THAT much. so i watched pretty much the entire series of piggy tales and GOD it is hilarious. some episodes i didnt find too entertaining, but some just made me burst out laughing. seasons 1 and 2 were the best in my opinion. 3 and 4 started using the movie models which i didnt really like too much, but some episodes were still entertaining. i also got a pc version of angry birds trilogy and i still haven't gotten past poached eggs yet. the first episode. i think they are called episodes im not too sure BUT yeah. just thought i would update this again since i havent for nearly 70 days (i think) so... see you in 4 months maybe

chapter 5: blendering

[Nov 2, 2024, 4:54 PM] made a new chapter just to separate this topic. anyhoo i now use BLENDER. yippee. no not the kind with the spinny blade thingy, the software. i figured out how to make some things but i still really havent figured modeling all that well. heres a sample of something i made: (image link below)

the render

yeah. its okay i guess. i have made other things but they are kind of crappy LOL. it took me forever to figure out how to get that glow thing on the lights too. turns out its not the same as before where you can just activate it in render tab, you now have to go to compositing and select "Glare" to do that. set the top option to "Bloom" then tada. you now have the funny glow. shiny. yeah. uh... i dont know what else to put here so goodbye once again.

chapter 6: cheese

[Nov 2, 2024, 6:48 PM] i have been working on an animation using blender for 2 hours straight. i need a break. so im doing this again YIPPEE! now this topic totally isn't stolen from the pink-ish pickle lte... more like... permanently borrowed. ok i was joking but i was reading the pink-ish pickle lte (go read it its on https://pink-ish-pickle-longesttextever.neocities.org/) and well i saw something about CHEESE. and you cannot argue cheese is good. cheese. cheese is life. however i think im lactose intolerant, not too sure about that though but i have dairy anyway. sooo yeah cheese is GOOD. good. ch. Esse. es. chhcEesee. there are many types of cheese. im not listing them however because im lazy. you can also put cheese on many different things like pizza, sandwiches, insert food item here, and more. yes. Cheese cheese, cheese cheese cheese. Cheese? Cheese cheese, cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese CHEESE. Cheese! Cheese. that was "cheese", a poem by dfc454 (me) absolutely breathtaking, astonishing, beautiful and magnificent poem. amazing. mmm mozzarella chees. oops i made a typo. ches. chesburg. cheseburgs are delicious. you need to try a burg. will you try a primo burg? WILL YOU? also try to spot the pizza tower reference in this chapter, i bet you cant find it. cheese. i have an idea. what if there was an ULTIMATE sandwich. it would have cheese, lettuce, bacon, tomato, onion, ketchup, relish, pickles, mustard, mayonnaise, cheese, cheese, burger patty, brisket, barbecue sauce, steak, nacho cheese, more tomatoes, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, and eggs. thats a lot of stuff right there. lots of cheese. you know those cheese blocks you can find at the store? what if someone made a house out of them? you could use them as little bricks but then again its going to smell bad within a day... dont wanna be smelling old cheese inside my house whilst it slowly gathers mold and decomposes. worship the cheese. CHEESE. do you want some cheese? eat it. EAT THE CHEESE RIGHT NOW. I SAID EAT IT- now its time for a story. "There once was an orange. It sat in a fort, owned by a man named Mort, and the orange was getting old. Mort picked up the orange. He thought it would be a good idea to eat it. He is now in the hospital on life support. The end." well that escalated quickly. maybe no more stories for a while... i wish mort a speedy recovery. glad it wasn't old cheese though... speaking of cheese do you like cheese? i do. cheese. Che, eese. CHeeseheeese. goodbye

section III: amazing

chapter 7: well well well isnt that swell

[Nov 3, 2024, 1:27 AM] so yes i have officially been added to the lte hub. i am at the lowest spot yippee if i still had my old one i would be somewhere above nuclearpoultry's lte (longest text page)... at least i think... old one was about 40k characters. i will now keep climbing for the highest spot on the leaderboard (which probably will never happen) but then, and ONLY then i can finally proclaim this website, the true Longest Text Ever. BUT thats not happening anytime soon. might go to bed soon so see ya later. [Nov 4, 2024, 1:36 PM] yes i am back. woohoo! so today is sunday and i go back to school tomorrow. NOOOO i cant sleep in... anyways i did find something very interesting but im gonna have to split this into a different chapter. goodbye and always remember, "CHeese"

chapter 8: discovery

[Nov 4, 2024, 1:39 PM] i have just discovered something very weird. i have no idea what this is but i was looking through other LTEs cause im bored, and read some parts, but on mckenzie's i stutmbled upon something strange... well this isnt the strange part but its coming up dont worry. theres a link that you can click that leads to this google doc called "THE END OF THE WORLD 4" or something. i looked at it there is a... BIT of copy and pasted text. one of them was something like "how dare you invoke the name of the triple biscuit". anyway once you reach the end of the document there are TWO options (choices, spooky) one of them leads you to a video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X33Yov5-YqQ) which is on the channel just named "43". i found an email linked to it, got a response. they asked who i was but i havent responded back yet because i dont even know if this is linked to the lte at all or is just some random video. what have i stumbled into i am genuinely confused. thats all i really had to say but im probably gonna respond back soon so uh... yeah. yes. oh yeah CHEESE. new lte rule: the word "cheese" has to be said at the end of every entry. cheese cheese cheese. ok there. wait this rulebook says the very last word HAS to be cheese... hopefully the lte police dont come after me if i dont put the word cheese at the end... FREEZE THIS IS THE CHEESE POLICE! just kidding there is no cheese police. the cheese police never even EXISTED *evil laugh again* it was a LIE. i got you. now i do wonder just how much characters this "LTE of stupidity" now has... around 10,500 characters! the very first milestone, BOOM. and im already a one-hundredth of the way there to get to 1 million characters! so i only have to do this 99 more times and then im done. speaking of which with my character count i wonder what spot i am at on the lte leaderboard... well would you look at that STILL on the lowest spot. i need only around 2,000 more characters to surpass BusterDdog. i will reclaim my spot below the slashii lte. actually now that i look at the site im using to look at the character count, it looks like i now have 11,000 characters! i am not that far away from 11,111 now. thats a lot of 1s. thats 5 ones. the end of the sentence before this one was the 11,111th character! wait but its not 11,111 anymore... its not perfect... oh well now i just have to wait for 12,000 *waiting* it seems my character count isn't going up as i wait- oh wait never mind its going up right now... lets see what it is at now... around 11,500. only 1,200 more characters to go and i won't be last anymore... also remember what i was talking about in chapter 4? well i now know thanks to pinkish pickle but yeah. they have pretty much moved on but as far as i know, they stopped updating the site because they forgot the password. time really does fly by though. its almost 2025! around 21 years after the flamingchicken lte was started... i think. im not too sure when the flamingchicken lte was started because i forgot, but i think it was around 2004-2005. just less than 60 days left until its 2025... speaking of which its almost election day. wow. anyway i dont really wanna get into politics right now so lets talk about CHEESE again, for like the 256th time. cheese. now time for another story. "i like cheese. eat the cheese. uh oh the cheese is rotten, better throw it away- oops i threw it onto the kitchen stove, uh oh its melting. GOD it stinks in here, i gotta get rid of that cheese but i dont wanna burn my hand- oops i got butter on my hands i cant turn off the stove. well what a predicament. this truly is a pickle i am experiencing here... how do i find the solution to this dilemma? oh god THERES A FIRE THE WALL IS ON FIRE-" that was... terrifying and disgusting. why do i keep reading these... also this is the longest chapter so far! there might be ones after this that are longer, but still, a new record on this lte! now lets check the character count again... i now am in second to last place, with a whopping ~13,000 characters. somewhere around there. i don't think i really have anything else to talk about, but i have been writing this for like 40 minutes (its 2:20 PM) so i think im gonna end this chapter here. also, cheese.

chapter 9: what who why when where HOW

[Nov 4, 2024, 6:13 PM] so yeah... time change happened. its so dark outside and its only 6:00 pm. it felt like it was 8:00. time is a weird thing, huh? sadly i couldnt sleep well last night so i didnt get that extra hour of sleep NOOOOOOOOOO!!! new lte rule #2: cheese must be mentioned at least once in every entry. well it looks like im gonna have to ramble about cheese again... CHEESE- ok this is not funny anymore. i'll stop... how about instead of cheese, what about apples? like they say, a doctor a day keeps the apple away- wait thats not right... doctors in a day for make sure apples okay! apple doctors in a away for a doctor day out a apple- hey this is future dfc454 here, the present one is currently having a stroke we are calling the cheese polic- i mean emergency services to make sure he is ok so dont worry. sorry for the inconvenience. now where was i... oh right the apple thing. apple... doctor.... an app doctor.. day? ... I GOT IT! apple for a doctor keeps it away! i knew i was close... anyway i dont even know what im talking about anymore so im probably gonna end this here, see ya later for like the 9th time [Nov 4, 2024, 8:59 AM] i am back. doing virtual today because its storming. at least that what the weather says. the weather hasn't lied to me yet! alright soooo im playing anger borbs (angry birds) again, i got stuck on poached eggs 3-8 for like 20 minutes. i am horrible at this game BUT i am almost finished with that episode. also this is completely unrelated, but the term "LTE" has been used... lets see... its been used 24 times. this certainly will soon to be the true lte. better make that 25... the most used word is "cheese". i knew i shouldn't have put that word in chapter 6 like 50 times. well gosh diddly darn it... you know one day one of these chapters is gonna be so long, to the point where it fills my entire neocities editor! hmm... lets try that. *inhale* cheese cheese cheese- no im not doing that again. and i am especially NOT mentioning gravy. if you saw the old lte, you know what this is referring to. im not telling that whole story again at least for a few decades, so go to the archive if you dont know what im talking about. new lte rule #3: you must speak the word "fish" at least 2.5 times in your lte. wait... how would you say fish 2 and a half times? fish fish fi. "fi" = first half of "fish". well i have filled about more than a third of my neocities editor, so im going to have to keep going. actually i have yet to share the news about mort. here is the story: "so mort is still in the er, however he is recovering but has recently fell into a coma 10 minutes ago just by reading the hospital bills. more at 5. you are watching lte-tv, the latest news on cheese, the number 49, and frankly utter nonsense." i have nearly gotten to the size of the chapter before this one, which is actually the longest as of right now. its now 9:14 i have been writing this for 15 minutes. you know since you read this far (you better not have SKIPPED) you get a "You did ..i,t" star!!! except for the scummy skippers who skipped to this chapter and didnt even read the previous stuff! yeah thats right. im talking to you jason. just kidding, i dont know anyone named jason. who's jason? where is jason? anyway lets check the character count ONCE again... nearly 16,300 characters! this puts me above the Textra LTE so yippee! now i just need to surpass kenneth's lte... i just need 5,000 more characters. speaking of length and characters, this chapter has nearly reached the length of the previous chapter! in my neocities editor this entire thing takes up about... wait... 1... 2... 3... 20. 20 lines. the previous one had... 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 25 lines. only 4 more left! its time to use the FORBIDDEN COPY & PASTE- no i would NEVER. the only time i ever use copy paste is when i write the chapter stuff, im too lazy to just write it again so i copy the previous chapter code and paste it to the next one over. also soon we will have reached our 10th chapter, a new milestone! lte fun fact #1: the longest longest text ever has over 500,000 characters! lte fun fact #two: my previous lte had 25 chapters. ok now lets see how many lines i got AGAIN. its now 23, i am so close! i can just taste it! hmm... kinda taste a bit of silicon in there... maybe a hint of metal... and i can taste the electrical charges inside the byte of text, how strange. almost there to 25 lines. and... AND... NOW this chapter has more characters than the previous!!! ok now what about the full character count: around 17,500 characters, still 4,000 more characters to go to reach the next place. ok now im getting bored time for another story: "this is a book. you are reading this book. i know because if you weren't reading you wouldn't know what this said. i am a mind reader-" oh really? what number am i thinking of? "um... 21?" it was negative 0. "damn it" well that was certainly- wait was i just talking to that book... wait... what? who? why...WHEN?? where and HOW!? ok im using a little more of my brain than i usually use which is -0.5% so im going to stop typing for now ok farewell. [Nov 4, 2024, 3:14 PM] its storming. so apparently there is a tornado watch in my area. spooky. except it isnt spooky season anymore... sad. it has been pouring HARD for like the past 20 minutes. there is also thunder. ok now time to check the most used letter in this lte ONCE AGAIN, its still "E". used a whopping 1,784 times, wow. better make that 1,788... the rain is kind of off and on because it seems like it stopped but im sure in like 5 minutes its gonna pick up again. hopefully my house dont get obliterated by a tornado. hopefully the tornado watch doesn't turn into a torando WARNING. now that would be scary. take cover now! its also really dark outside for 3:19 pm, it looks like its 6:30. on an unrelated subject, i found my old camera. its a Samsung TL205, but the lens are crooked and wont move so every time i try to turn it on, it just gives me a beep sound. no error message or anything. i did try pressing on the lens, clicking it into place, that didnt seem to work. my last resort is just pushing the lens in all the way, but even if i do that there is a slight chance it could get stuck. i dont wanna risk it, so for now im just gonna keep it as is. only videos i could find on this was a couple, one with a different camera and one with the same one. i found no answers in the comments (comments section, you have FAILED me). anyhoo, this chapter is close to filling up my entire editor! honey get the camera, the wall of text is almost complete. i just need like two more lines, but i dont have much to talk about. no im not resorting to saying "cheese" 50 times again, dont worry. but i still wish i could somehow fix my camera lens. so new topic, my fish tank got cleaned out. it was starting to get a little dirty in there (and by little i mean a lot) and i felt VERY bad for the poor fishy (i'm sorry blackberry) so i cleaned it out with the help of my dad, looks good as new. also the old fish i had in there died sadly because we accidentally put him in the fish tank. rest in piece blueberry. a moment of silence. ...thank you. blueberry will always be remembered in our hearts. may he rest in piece. so, this chapter has pretty much filled my editor. yeah. however if i put it in FULLSCREEN, its not filled up anymore. i must type MORE. I MUST- ok now my fingers hurt. just kidding they dont but i dont know if it is good or not to type this much, but hey, you get some finger exercise while doing it. one thing i noticed is that when i look at this chapter in my editor a certain way, my eyes focus more on the spaces and block the rest of the text out the the spaces combine to form some sort of drawing. im not too sure what it looks like, it just looks like scribbles. also one of my cats is under my bed. i wont be really saying the name of him, but just know he REALLY wants attention. but i still give him some so its okay. only 5 lines left to fill my entire editor in fullscreen mode... you know i wonder what word is gonna surpass cheese in the "most used words" list? lets check... its still "cheese" at a whopping use count of 79. the one in second place is "how" with 43 uses. also the most used letter is STILL E. how many times is it gonna be used!? in the previous sentence, the letter "E" was used 3 times. now lets check the character count for the 3,489th time... it is now 21,400+ characters! i have now surpassed kenneth! dang, already in just- wait lets see.. 1.. 2.. 5 days. not counting the few month hiatus. also if you didnt notice, i now have a button. it is kinda big, sorry. but now i can advertise on different websites!! if people even bother to use the button... just kidding i just made the button for fun but if you really wanna use it, you can copy the code at the bottom. alrighty, this chapter has singlehandedly filled up my entire neocities editor in fullscreen. now i can stare at a giant wall of text all day, fun! this one might actually be the longest compared to the older longest chapter in the old lte i made... so nice, a new record. just this chapter alone so far is responsible for nearly HALF the lte so far. wow... i could have made all the chapters this size and i would be at nearly 90,000 characters by now. but im not there yet, just have to keep typing for seconds, for minutes, for hours, for days, for weeks, for months, for years, for decad- okay fine i'll stop. speaking of characters, how many do i have? guess: A. 93, B. 22,222.4, C. -59,102,599, D. uhhh? it was NEITHER!! i love making rigged quizzes! ok but the actual count is around 22,600+. wow, im even about to pass "The Longest Text Page"! just 1,000 more characters to go... i must reach the top. i must reach the highest point, i must have the true Longest Text Ever- okay how many times have i said that now? i don't even know but this chapter IS getting kinda big. i might continue later, but for now im gonna take a break. cheese.

section IV: what

chapter 10: two

[Nov 5, 2024, 7:43 PM] i have RETURNED! we have hit the double digits in the chapters! you know sometimes i get months all mixed up and sometimes end up thinking october is the 8th month. i mean OCT is latin or something for 8... at least i think so. i just know octagon has EIGHT sides so why isn't october the 8th month of the year? knockton also mentioned this in their lte. PETITION TO MAKE OCTOBER THE 8TH MONTH OF THE YEAR! but wait that would mean august is the 10th month now... ANYWAYS, it is election day. like i said before i dont really want to get into politics stuff sooooooo yeah. i am doing rubik's cubes again. my best time is now 46s! i havent touched my GAN cube in like 5 months, so i decided to start speed solving it again. learning CFOP right now, right now im learning f2l. since i am dumb it is hard for me to do f2l, but later on i am going to try the other ones once i have learned f2l. its already almost 8:00 pm, wow. time flies by, doesn't it? but it didnt YESTERDAY because it felt like forever until it was 6:30 pm. speaking of time, it is almost the 6 month anniversary of the DLTEOTOSFNR. that is chapter 22 of the old lte i made. it is in only 3 days, so to celebrate, im going to make a NEW DLTEOTOSFNR in 3 days. the DLTEOTOSFNR was actually one of the longest chapters in the old lte i believe, so this time im gonna make it EVEN LONGER. thats right. so long you will starve to death before finishing it- ok maybe not THAT long. but the DLTEOTOSFNR is not the longest chapter anymore. it is now chapter 9 in this LTE! anyway gotta go for a bit so be right back [8:50 PM] back! i got some food, gonna go to bed soon though because i am TIRED. just wanted to update this for today. from now on im gonna try to update this daily, but if i cant its most likely because i am doing something else or something comes up. its almost 9:00 so im gonna watch some tv for a bit then go to bed. seeya later for the 94.59th time

chapter 11: workin'

[Nov 6, 2024, 1:59 PM] hello fellow LTEers! i am back once again, and for the first time i am editing this in school. turns out they havent blocked neocities (or at least my site), so i can still edit this thing. today was chaos. there was an incident in the classroom today, for now, what i can tell you is that somebody got mad playing uno, thats all you need to know. dont want to get into detail about what happened. i wasn't involved, i was just a witness. anyway i just added a new copy code button to copy button code. also lets check the character count again. it is nearly 26,000 characters now! i am nearly more than halfway to 100k, so thats good i guess. the next one i have yet to surpass is the Slashii LTE with over 50k characters. i am more than halfway there to beat that character count, i think im going at a good pace. the DLTEOTOSFNR 6 month anniversary is only in a couple days, cant wait to break my wrist on november 8th. right now ive been doing some assignments, pretty much done though. one think i dont really like though is that the pinkish pickle lte is blocked. luckily i can still access neocities itself. i swear if they block neocities- ANYWAYS i discovered there is an api for neocities. i can update it using Python now, so if im making some sort of online game, i can just send data to a website i own, retrieve it and go from there. speaking of python, i am currently developing a 3d game entirely from scratch using it. it mainly uses pygame and PIL, pygame to display the render, and PIL to render the image itself. all i can do with it right now is move around, make triangles and 3d lines. before the program would render to a video using ffmpeg, but i decided to change things up a bit and what do you know, the thing actually works. tried doing it with tkinter, but i could NOT figure out just how to constantly update the image on it. i figure i can do the same thing in javascript, i just need a bit of time to learn js itself. i already know a little bit, so i can at least get elements from html, make elements, use console, make functions, edit elements and edit the canvas. not much, but im still learning. now, onto length again. it turns out the longest sentence according to wordcounter.net is nearly 5,000 words?? thats almost the amount of words the LTE itself has. yeah i dont know why it does that, but onto another thing. the hand writing time says SIX HOURS. wow, i've probably spent a quarter of that time just typing this. it also says only 11 pages. that means knockton's potato lte is nearly 200 pages, wow. thats pretty much it, now time to see the character count once again. now its around 27,600 characters, now we are getting somewhere! also now this chapter has filled half my editor. gonna get some water, be right back [2:33 pm] DANG i was thirsty. did you know fact #1: flaming chicken's lte has over 200,000 characters. i wonder if anyone has actually bothered to read this much of the lte unless you are a NASTY SKIPPER! if you really did read this much, you get a gold star sticker! it says "amamziimng" on it. if, it, in, is. those are the 4 two letter words that start with "i". now this lte has 12 pages. it also has 28k characters. ok enough about length, now lets talk about the old ltes i made. the very first one wasn't on the web at the time, it was just a little html on my old laptop. i dont know where it is, but it is kinda busted but im gonna get it our later and read it. as far as i know, the whole thing only reached around 9 or so chapters, so it was pretty short. one was actually me ranting about Apple or something. the next one after was on my school chromebook, and well that one actually was pretty damn long. it started on January of about a couple years ago, and luckily i still have the file. it wasnt on the web either, and theres a large chance i will never upload that one, i didnt really like it, but it was around 20k characters. then the previous one, around 40k characters, which was actually on here at one point. i ended it because it just suffered from inactivity like all the time, and in this one im gonna try to be more active on it. that one reached 25 chapters. now the current one, which i probably dont need to explain. gonna do something else real quick, be right back again. [2:48 pm] ok im back, turns out this has almost reached 30k characters, yippee! now the most used keyword is... STILL cheese. however, "now", at 71 uses is about to surpass "cheese", with 82 uses. this chapter has now almost filled up my entire editor ONCE AGAIN. im on a roll! sadly, i dont have much to talk about and not much is really going on other than someone making random noises and some conversation going on in that corner of the classroom, but one more thing i would like to talk about is... yes, THE GRAVY INCIDENT. you thought i wouldn't bring it back? WELL I DID!! one time i was in the cafeteria at school, waiting in line. i got the mashed potatoes, and usually i didnt mind the gravy on it. BUT one fateful day, when i went to sit at the table, i noticed something in the gravy. my dumbass ate it. the texture was just weird, and i ended up throwing up like 3 days later. i dont know what the hell that thing in the gravy was, but i probably dont wanna find out. and thats why i dont eat white gravy anymore. speaking of gravy, thanksgiving is coming up! cant wait to eat some turkey and stuffing. god the rolls are so good on thanksgiving,or at least i like them. there is someone even putting up decorations, and there is a BIG TURKEY!! you know, i wonder if anyone notices me actually typing this during class. not much is going on right now so i can kinda get away with it. i have now been typing this for around 30 minutes. just kidding an hour. its because im also doing other stuff while im typing. the WONDERS OF MULTITASKING!! amazing wow. also i figured out how to port turbowarp projects to an executable file. yes, they have a packager for it. i found that pretty cool. i decided to make a new project, and its gonna be cool i promise. its called "the AMAZING game!" yes it was inspired by "The Wonderful Game" by viba (go check it out, its cool), but its different. it is now 3:00, yes its been an hour i lied. also this chapter is now getting VERY close to filling up my neocities editor. im gonna go ahead and save this now in case it crashes. [one save later] ok now its backed up. we are about to go home in about 10 minutes, so i guess im gonna end it somewhere around here- just kidding, im gonna keep going. the last thing i want to talk about now is what happened outside. so we had to go outside for something we were doing, like an activity, somebody stepped in a HUGE ant pile, kicked it, then somebody found a snake, and THEN i got poked by some sticker, AND FINALLY somebody picked up a mushroom that could have possibly had fungus on it, but we got rid of it in time, the person thought is was something else but STILL WHY WOULD YOU PICK SOMETHING LIKE THAT UP!? its now almost been 10 minutes, and dismissal is soon so im gonna go ahead and stop for now. gonna edit this somewhere later today MAYBE, but for now, farewell. ok goodbye. i said bye. GOODBYE. [8:53 pm] hello again. i am working on some stuff on blender, but i got distracted watching kane pixel's backrooms series. its actually really good, almost everything is entirely cgi, it looks REALLY realistic, lore is huge, its just a good series. i'd suggest giving it a watch, its on youtube. anyway, im just updating this now because i promised myself i would go to bed early tonight, and what do you know its almost 9:00 pm. i am now working on a game called "the amazing game". it takes some inspiration from viba's "the wonderful game", but it is different. in some aspects it still retains the silly look, but while having some originality. its being entirely made in turbowarp, and once im done with it its gonna be packaged into an exe if you want to play at all. 2 minutes left until 9:00. just gotta wait *waiting again* ok well i dont really have much to talk about so i will just say: we have surpassed 33,333 characters! thats a lot of threes. already getting close to the original character count. i'm gonna watch tv for a bit and go to bed, so see you tomorrow, IF neocities isnt blocked on the school chromebooks. ok actually goodbye [Nov 7, 2024, 8:54 am] hello once again, I AM BACK!! so i am about to log into virtual (yes im doing virtual meeting today) because i accidentally missed the van. not a bus, a van. yes they provide transport in vans. its always pretty warm in there, and the thing is pretty darn big so it has like 12 seats. i am now practicing typing. using monkeytype im gonna try to improve my typing speed so i can get stuff like this done faster. and what do you know, i got 90 wpm. not that fast, but hey its a step up from 70. looks like i have already gotten 3 lines in one the editor, nice. i have to login at 9:00 so i only have a few minutes left. now lets talk about cheese. actually, no. how about... a story about cheese? ok: "once upon a time, there was a yellow brick sitting in the middle of the woods. this dates back to around caveman times, so everything is pretty much a jungle. somebody found this yellow brick below a tree. he picked it up and said "cheeeese." because english or any other language wasn't a thing back then, so they just made random noises. he decided to call it cheese, like what he just said. he ate it. it tasted good, and that is a totally not made up story of how cheese was made- i mean discovered." so its 8:58 am so im gonna go ahead and log into the meeting. im gonna get the old laptop later to view the old LTE. laters. [8:38 pm] i am back after nearly TWELEVE HOURS. i forgot about getting the old laptop for the old lte, sorry. anyway im still practicing typing and i now have a record of 114 wpm! i guess thats good. so i did notice i am typing a little faster when writing these, so thats an improvement. gonna go to bed early again, hopefully i can update this tomorrow. but for now, lets check the most used keyword again: it is now "now" with 91 uses! cheese has finally been surpassed even before there was one hundred of any word! the speaking time of this entire document is now around 37 minutes, but the reading time is around 24 minutes, and finally to top it all off the hand writing time is over 8 HOURS. im not joking. at least that is what wordcounter.net says. THE WORDCOUNTER.NET HASN'T LIED TO ME YET! (find the reference) anyway turns out tomorrow is the DLTEOTOSFNR 6 month anniversary, so dont worry im still working on that special chapter. and to think like over 30k characters has been added to this in about a week... maybe i will try to get around 50k by the end of the week. shouldnt be too hard. im about to put this up so i can watch some youtube then go to bed, also i noticed neocities has a little button that says "hide" now if your paragraph thing is really long. its right there. RIGHT there, you see it? ok maybe you cant see it but go look in the editor yourself its THERE. its... there. right, there. look. look at it. THERE. its almost 9 again (its 8:45) so im gonna go ahead and put this up right about NOW- cheese

chapter 12: i forgot

[Dec 18, 2024, 12:05 PM] hello people of the interwebs. yes, i'm updating this thing again. decided to take a break after writing like 5 chapters in the span of a week, but i ended up forgetting about this thing, and here we are. it's been an ENTIRE month, WOW!!!!!! in other news, i've discovered the LTE discord, yes there is one. it's owned by pink pickle, however i'm too lazy to get an invite link right now so you have to find it yourself MWAHAHAHAH!!! it's somewhere at the end of the pink pickle LTE, go read it seriously it changed my life. anyway time to talk about REAL stuff. i've had a weird obsession with old cellphones/dumbphones for a while now. i actually got my hands on a samsung SCH-U470 (samsung juke) and, yup it still works. i lost the charger though so sadly i can't use it right now. it's a teal colored one, still has case on it. it belonged to someone else before. im also really obsessed with startups and shutdowns now. my autism is kicking in. now before you say im weird or cringe or whatever, Yes. Indeed I am. now this was to just catch you guys up on whats going on and to let you know i'm not dead. the only other thing i really want to talk about right now is, no, not character count, but some cool modding stuff. i modded my wii. haven't bricked it luckily. i got bunch of homebrew on it, WiiLink and RiiConnect24. i haven't used the wii in a bit though but im thinking on booting it up again and doing some more stuff with it. anyway thats all i really have for now, buh bye

chapter 13: i forgot again

[Jan 29, 2025, 12:52 PM] hi there. so it's 2025 now. happy late new year (i am 29 days off) but ANYWAYYY i completely forgot about this again after taking a break. no, i am not dead. just partially. i probably will update this every now and then still, but it probably won't be as frequent. i'm also working on GAMES now!!! i learned more stuff about python. oh yeah and scratch. i know scratch is meant for children but it's been the easiest way for me to make my projects or games. this may also sound weird but i animate in it now. well... technically. i use turbowarp for animating (its way better to be honest) and it actually has a tweening extension so i can make smoother animations. my current thing im making or developing is Microphoneâ„¢ Bin96â„¢. it's like a parody of microsoft windows but its in the works!!! kind of empty right now but im planning to add more stuff into it. you will NEVER know until i release it hahahahaha (evil laugh). now about the amazing game. sadly it is on a bit of a hiatus because my main focus is Bin96. (i stopped writing here because i got sidetracked lol)

chapter 14: the completely unnecessary chapter that does not matter or contribute to society in any way, shape, or form

[Feb 13, 2025, 11:01 AM] hello goobers (yes thats you now). i really got to be more active on here to get the world record. anyway im gonna tell you the story about the cheese. once upon a time, there was a cheese. the cheese was fresh and perfectly but was laying on the 58th bench somewhere in nowhere. he liked to call nowhere "Placeland" because he was too lazy to come up with an actual name. he tried to move off the bench, but ultimately plummeted to a pile of dirt. he is okay, don't worry. he then attempted to venture out to nowhere at somewhere in nowhere somewhere. Placeland was a very big place, in fact, so big that i don't even think its part of earth. the cheese kept slowly moving and journeying, until he found thr 59th bench. he named the bench Jerome. no one knows why. Jerome and the cheese grew a special bond, and their friendship was strong. however they quickly departed from each other around 10 minutes later because Jerome broke. the cheese now wanted to venture somewhere at nowhere in Placeland at somewhere in somewhere nowhere more than ever, to avenge Jerome. he fell in a hole trying to do it. he was now in some sort of cavern with multiple paths, and had no idea what to do next. the cheese sat there for a solid 3 hours before deciding to go left. it was a dead end. the cheese spent another 5 hours thinking, until he finally decided to go right. it was also a dead end. the cheese sat there and waited 2 days for rescue. nobody came because the air was infected with an unknown rotten cheese-scent toxin, and anyone who spent 5 minutes there would most likely end up in the ER. the cheese still waited, unaware of his fate. he waited. he kept waiting. he sat there, waiting for nothing. trapped in the hole for so long, the cheese was starting to decay and rot, and was approaching death. it had been so much time, and the cheese wasn't even aware of the decayed and broken state Placeland had succumbed to. he still waited. and kept waiting. and waiting. and he finally made a decision to try and get out on his own. he got up, climbed back up, and saw light again. except, it was night time, and the only light was the glowing toxic waste in the river. Placeland was gone. he had lived through an apocalypse. but for what? he had waited so long he couldn't remember Placeland used to be. the end. thats the end of the story. i hope you enjoyes that wonderful story. goodnight.

chapter 15: sleep deprivation

[Feb 15, 2025, 4:23 AM] hey there everyone, it's 4 AM, got like 6 hours of sleep, cant go back to sleep, so why not waste time on this LTE? get ready for the stupidest chapter yet, because boy aren't we typing a lot TODAY. first off i have a rant about iphones. literally the only new thing thats in the latest iphones is longest battery life, support for later iOS versions, and MORE CAMERAS. that is practically it, and the main reason people buy so many is because some people think like this: "new = good and better". simple as i can put. there is no point in getting anything like later than 12 or something unless you want to flex on other people or something. i dont know just thought about it for a second and this rant was actually featured previously on an OLD lte of mine, however it never made its way onto the web and IT NEVER WILL. that one was bad. kind of. i remember the first one i made, and to be honest it was mainly just gibberish, really short rants, and... thats it. it sucked and i dont have an archive of it though, its on my old laptop. that laptop is a bit old now and i dont feel like getting it. fun fact: the whole chapters thing actually originated from my first lte thing. i could separate it into entries but i dont know, i kind of like chapters more. anyhoo now its time for a little discussion about GAMES. i now speedrun the wonderful game. i wasted two days of my life speedrunning it and let me tell you it is... not THAT bad. really you just gotta get consistent at the strats. if you want you can check it out for yourself, its on vibasite.neocities.org. you should find a link to it somewhere. random thought: when you get hurt, its just receptors in your nerves signalling to your brain to create an quite uncomfortable sensation, creating the illusion of pain. i guess. i dont know i think thats how it works, im also pretty tired so dont be surprised if i got it wrong. now its time for some rhymes- oh lucky me, i found a dime. in my kitchen i have rosemary thyme. oh my, would you look at the time, its almost time to go outside. time is a tool you can put on the wall or wear it on your wrist. the past is far behind us, the future doesn't exist. whats the time? its quarter to 9, time to have a bath. what do you mean, we're already clean- ok got a bit sidetracked there... anyway i have noticed we have talked about character count a lot, but what about word count? well lets check shall we, using my trusty wordcounter.net. wow, nearly 8,400 words!! getting close to 10,000... now to check character count... around 44,000. cool. soon we will surpass the Slashii LTE, earning us... only 12th place. i would be 13th if i counted both rainbowfluffysheep LoTeEv parts but they are linked so they both count as only 1, so i would be at 12TH. now, i don't know what else to rant about right now, but im gonna think about it for a bit, one moment, as this could take a while in real-time, except for you, the reader, as you can just immediately skip to the pont where i finally have something to talk about. now, cue the background music. *elevator music plays* ok, its been a few minutes, and i genuinely dont have much of anything to talk about. i guess i could talk about... OH, this sticky note on my wall!! "actually go to bed earl-" oh yeah that was my new year's resolution, already failed that... hmmm... well uhh... i downloaded desktop goose. its literally a goose on your desktop that can drag images or text onto your screen. also if you close ANY of its windows, it immediately nabs your cursor and places it somewhere else. do not anger the GOOSE. anyway turns out you can run multiple at once, and having 5 geese on my desktop was certainly... an experience. oh also they can track mud onto your screen. that wasn't fun to clean up. anyway thats really it. hmm... what else... well, im desperate, so how about another look at the character count, hmm? around 45,400 characters, no much of a difference... HMM... i might actually go to bed soon but i will say that i found this block of cheese just outside a hole in the middle of the desert once, so i made a story about it. (NO BLOCKS OF CHEESE WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THE STORY. WE THINK. NOT GUARANTEED.) i didnt actually go to the desert or anything, i literally wrote about the first thing that came to mind and just went from there. the human mind really is a weird and... strange thing, no? anyway it is getting pretty late- or early? i dont even know but i really think i need to try and sleep again so im just gonna say GOODNIGHT, and seeya tomorrow, or in the next few weeks.

section V: the severe side effects of non-stop LTEing

chapter 16: i am not okay

[Feb 19, 2025, 7:34 PM] i just realized how many typos i've probably made and overlooked. literally just looked at chapter 15 and realized "not" is misspelled "no" in the "not much of a difference" sentence. well fiddlesticks... anyhoo OOPS I FORGOT TO ADD THE DATE AND TIME AT THE START!!! silly me, im gonna do that right now. and BAM. its there. oh god just looked at chapter 14 and found ANOTHER TYPO!!! yikes!!! not telling you where it is, you'll have to find it yourself!!! now time for something of mine i actually haven't talked about yet suprisingly. ZOMBO.COM. you can do anything there. narrator literally says so. if you go to it now its like a parody of those long loading screens on some of those flash animations or games. fun fact: it actually originally ran on flash but due to it being discontinued (thanks adobe) its now converted to HTML. its been running somewhere since 1996 or something, and its considered one of the EARLIEST internet memes! the story of this "zombo.com" website is actually really interesting to me. before it got converted to HTML, there was some sort of button that would appear after a while that takes you to a newsletter like thing. if you go to it i believe it doesn't work, but as far as i know, i believe it was something to make posts? i havent seen an archive of it though so not too sure. its parent site is actually a website called 15footstick.com, however its "down for maintenence", as its said for like years now. i dont know much about it and the only thing i really know is that there is only ONE link still available to look at to this day, and its https://www.15footstick.com/shop/index.htm. looks like some merch site, but apparently, take this with a grain of salt, there was going to be ZOMBO.COM CD. yes i kid you not. this was going to be a thing but i dont know what happened to it. there are some other things tied to the ZOMBO.COM url like "https://www.radioz.zombo.com/", but i suggest not really clicking on the first link on the webpage of that url because it leads to some webcam site and it has some... SUGGESTIVE stuff to say the least. its kinda weird to me but part of it is 18+ so i just suggest you dont. the second link leads to nothing, as the webpage just isnt available anymore. wish we could get to hear what the hell "---radio free radioz" even was. haven't checked wayback machine yet but something tells me it didn't archive anything. will check later in case though, third link is the same, however i dont know what it was supposed to be originally. around 15 years ago this was a "mystery", but it was quickly solved i believe and people found archives (they dont work anymore) and stuff about the sites. theres probably more i havent mentioned but yeah. i did not think i would blabber about some random website for around 10 minutes but HERE WE ARE!!! what have we come to as a society... anyway gonna stop here for now- OH I FORGOT ABOUT THE CHEESE ENDING THING!!! to make up for it, i will say cheese 7 times. cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese. that was not copy+pasted by the way. anyway now im gonna actually stop for now. CHEESE.

chapter 17: how wonderous and amazing

[Feb 27, 2025, 9:24 PM] hello everybody, im back again. this is just gonna be a short quick entry because i just wanted to update this so all you possibly nonexistant readers won't think im dead. im not, don't worry (nobody probably worried) anyway im doing speedruns of a game called The Wonderful Game now, and im 2nd place on the speedrun.com leaderboard!!! because im the only other person speedrunning it. the other person (who holds the WR at 2:29) is actually the creator themselves, viba (formerly know as WhileTrue) and they also made an LTE, which is what actually led me to discover the game itself. my personal best is around 3:28, and i really want to get a better time, but i am not that consistent at the run really so it might be a while until i get a new PB... BUT im learning portal speedruns now!! OOB (out of bounds) category. it would take forever to explain every glitch and route here so i'll just say i'm working on chamber 10+ right now, and i learned how to do the seamshot in chamber 06. cool!!! if you don't know what im talking about, i recommend watching a video on it or maybe reading about it somewhere on some portal speedrunning article or something. anyway, think im gonna go for now, sorry for the short chapter. seeya, and CHEESE. [Feb 28, 2025, 10:14 AM] hello fellow goobers. if there are any... it is nearing march and i still need to get consistent with updating this thing. but... time for EVEN MORE META-TALK!!! (who would of thought) anyway lets see... oh i see we have went up ONE more spot since we are at around... 51,000 characters. ALMOST. we have now passed the Slashii LTE, wahoo!! anyway, time for other stuff. oops, i dont have a topic... maybe i'll go run to the topic store. ah but i don't have topic tokens... hey thats some awesome, amazing, and astounding alliteration, alright. anyway i now just got an idea. a new currency called L... l... uhh... OOH I KNOW!!! actually i don't know. *evil laugh* mwahahaha i tricked you. there IS NO CURRENCY!!!! you have been utterly fooled by me, the great dfc454 guy. i read a bit of flamingchicken's LTE. im like 3 quarters through it, and i got to say its definitely interesting. SANTA IS EVIL!! read that LTE if you don't know what i mean. now onto other stuff. soo as you may have noticed its not the giant brick wall of words and paragraphs you thought it was gonna be, but no its separated. i will say that i like the "Great Wall of Text" formatting as much as you do (you probably don't), BUT to be honest i've kinda just stuck with the whole chapter thing ever since i came up with it like years ago. it was even there all the way back in my first "LTE". reminder: that one sucked and i will never talk about the contents of it. trust me, it's NOT worth it. some stuff is also copy+pasted too soooo yeahh no. oops i put two Hs. i need to stop accidentally making typos everywhere... lemme check if i messed up anything in this chapter. after about 10 seconds of skimming, i have not found anything. i have excellent writing!!! no i don't. i mean i can write and type grammatically correct KINDA sorta maybe (my expansive vocabluary is forever enlargening. those are actually like the only big words i know). i just choose not to because SCREW PROPER WRITING, I'M NOT GONNA PUT PROPER CAPITALIZATION AND YOU ARE GOING TO LEARN TO LIKE IT!! i've kind of typed this way ever since i've been on the internet because... well... i don't know, it kinda just fits for me. i feel like a good majority of the internet kinda writes like this, like in lowercase, y'know? alrighty but i'll be right back because i need to save this LTE in case neocities crashes or something!!! knock on wood. there we go did it. now i need to change the character count though... oopsie. we'll be right back after these short messages. "Have you or a loved one suffered from Random Disease that Literally Nobody Has? Of course not, nobody has it. Well in case you are the unlucky 0.000000012182454989595324% of people on this planet, well then you are in luck!!! introducing Pneufroxnamine, a new medicine capable of literally nothing. Side effects may include, nausea, death, projectile vomiting, sudden combustion, invisibility, explosive diarrhea, actually exploding, brain tumors, lack of sleep and possibly quantum teleportation. however your luck was short lived, because now we're sold out because YOU WAITED TOO LONG!!! too bad so sad. what? you're saying that you missed buying it because i kept going on about the side effects and other useless info? im gonna ignore that question. Talk to your doctor about Pneu- blah blah blah whatever something -mine today." im back with some prescriptions. i got some pneufrox-whatever. i heard it cures Insert Generic Disease Here!!! also i STILL need to update that character count. be right back, i got to Do The Thing!!!! ok i did it. anyway NEW TOPIC!!! hmm... wait i don't have one again... aw shucks. maybe i'll have to invent something new and then i'll talk about that!! uhh i dont know what to invent. im not that creative as i thought. hmmmmmm... oh i got it!! i'll just make some fictional thingymabobber and i'll talk about that! so now let's talk about B-41. it ingests the ]\ and sometimes the 1 comes out the wrong tube, but i mean 5[j2] isn't very good at all... so anyway i inserted the OL-294 into th- ok this isn't going to work. OH RIGHT the topic store!! i need to make some money though to buy a topic... ok im gonna job now. *31 hours later* honey, im home- i mean READER!!! i need to stop watching all those tv shows... anyway i made approximately 482.29 topic tokens today. now i can buy a topic!! (at the topic store) WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE OUT OF TOPICS??? well sadly i'm gonna have to end the chapter here FOR NOW... i'll probably think of something like a few hours later and write about it in some new chapter thing. anyway seeya, and remember folks... CHEESE. oops i forgot to update character count thing okay CHEESE.

chapter 18: rectangular steel bar

[Mar 2, 2025, 9:21 PM] hello goobers. this is the FIRST EVER time i am writing a chapter NOT in the normal neocities editor, i'm writing in notepad++ now. i'm switching to this because this thing is getting a bit long and i don't want something happening where my browser crashes and i lose my "work" (emphasis on quotation marks). anyhoo- dang i wonder just HOW many times i've said that... ok NOW before i begin, the chapter name has absolutely NOTHING to do with the topic or whatever, i literally just don't know what to name my stuff or "work" sometimes and it either is just utter nonsense or something completely unrelated like "Copper wire" or something. now lets get on with it. me and somebody else on the LTEdiscord server (you can find it on longesttextever.neocities.org) were actually looking for the original background song used on that zombo.com website. yes, we are talking about THIS again. we were both doing our little research stuff on the site and other related ones such as the parent site 15footstick.com, and i was looking for like around like 30 minutes on the wayback machine for 15footstick, until i came across something. THE ALBUM WAS REAL. there was an actual announcement on it, but as i kept looking atlater snapshots, updates on the site were WAY less frequent and nothing else came up about the album. the reason i was looking for stuff specifically on the album was becausei think it could have just possibly had the background song on it. the site was dormant but still up for a while until in around 2016, most pages and files were deleted fromthe site out of nowhere. i believe the owners maybe just didn't really care for the site anymore then forgot about and abandoned it for a while, until they finally decidedthat it was time to close up shop. the only things remaining as far as i know were the homepage and the shop page. unfortunately, the homepage was also deleted around late 2020.the shop page is STILL up to this day however, and you can find it at https://www.15footstick.com/shop/index.htm. there is quite a bit more i could talk about but i might actually just continue this whole thing later, as im still digging around a bit on the sites and emails and everything, so i'll see ya in another entry or chapter or whatever.bye and CHEESE.

chapter 19: minecraft: fun edition

[Mar 8, 2025, 1:44 PM] hello goobers once again. now i have recently discovered a thing called MCreator. its a program that allows you to make your own minecraft mod/texture pack stuff. i actually installed and used it and oh you betcha i made a mod. yep. its called "Minecraft: FUN EDITION!!" and its very FUN!! just like the chapter name says, always trust the chapter title. obey chapter title. you must. YOU MUST. ok back to MCreator: made a few new crafting recipes, blocks and such, and i made the ALL new "Fun Block"!!!! oh yeah!!! its just a rainbow textured block with the word fun on it. you can craft it with 9 dirt. yes... just 9 dirt. if you make 4 fun blocks which is worth 27 dirt, then you can craft it into a "Compressed Fun Block", which is just the same thing but with a COOL BORDER!! AWESOMESAUCE!!!! SPLENDIDCONDIMENT!!! ASTOUNDINGVISCOUSFLAVORFULLIQUID!!!! THEN after that when you have 4 compressed fun blocks which is worth 108 DIRT, you can craft that into... wait hold on i forgot, well i guess im gonna have to boot up the mod lol. alrighty lets see here... and now a word from our nonexistent sponsor. "Have you ever... uhh... wait whats my line again? oh right... uhh, have you ever wanted to have fun but you dont have the energy or time to do it? then try the all new SUPER FUN BLOCK!!! its a big fun block IN REAL LIFE!!! "wowzers!!" "awesome!!" with the super fun block, you can gain energy to have fun and send an extremely strong signal of euphoria to your brain!!! now for only 70,000 payments of 70,000 dollars, you can get your hands on this LIMITED TIME SUPER FUN BLOCK, but hurry up! 50% off sales last until tomorrow!! so what are you waiting for? act now and call the number on your screen: 74... uhh 6!! when you dial the number, make sure to tell us your SSN, credit and debit card number, all your family members names, your current location, internet password, phone number and any other very important and personal details and credentials!!!! well... are you gonna buy it? come on, pick up the phone and call the number. come on, CALL IT. BUY IT RIGHT NOW. BUY THE SUPER FUN BLOCK RIGHT NOW PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU-" ok im back. and i DIDNT check mcreator!!! *evil laugh* but i actually will hold on... ok the next one is FUN BLOCK 2!!!! yeah!!! remember that singular block is worth 108 DIRT BLOCKS. which actually isnt that much... here how about this, if you obtain FOUR FUN BLOCK 2s, which is worth 16 compressed fun blocks, 64 fun blocks, and 576 DIRT, you can craft the Better Fun Block. nothing comes after that, anyway now for the next thing. block number thingies. there are 8 number blocks (i think). there are number blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 0 (we dont talk about this forbidden number), and the multiplication block. in a crafting table, for example, if you place the 2 block, multiplication block and the 3 block in the crafting table, it makes a 6 block. the 0 block can be obtained by uhh... uhhhh i forgot actually whoops. theres actually achievements in this mod too, such as "Incrementing", "Having Fun", "Addition", "Multiplication", "More Fun", "Mining Fun", "Too Much Fun" and a bit more. i should probably elaborate on the mining fun one... basically there is a crafting recipe for a fun pickaxe, and it works. its like the equivalent of a stone one though. anyway i think im done for right now, as i gotta go do something soon, see ya later, and always remember. CHEESE.

chapter 20: celebration/lte talk

[Mar 9, 2025, 6:36 PM] hey there goobers, today is a VERY SPECIAL DAY FOR ME!!!1 its because we have surpassed 60,000 characters which is a 10th of knocktons lte. dang. i dont know how knockton does it but theres got to be some crazy rants in that lte thats for sure. anyway so uhh (stopped typing here) [3/11/2025, 5:00 PM] hello once again goobers, im back. i need to stop getting sidetracked so much. anyway another guy on the lte discord server is fast approaching my length, so i need to act fast myself and extend this thing even further to win the battle between our two LTEs. they are already at 10k words and thats already near mine. anyway me and the other person came up with Symbolnese. guess what [ means. it means "fuck you". im not kidding. that is actually my first swear in this entire thing, wow. figured i might have done it sooner (i might have or i forgot). z literally means tiredness, i literally means the word "i", , and . and ' are used for past, present and future tense. there are a few other things but i feel too lazy to dive deep into it. anyway uhh have you seen that great value blueberries video? i swear that video is some activation signal for some dormant bomb somewhere. i understand nothing about it and yet its absolutely hysterical to me. my humor has been broken for a LONG while, and it sure is beyond repair, isn't it... anyway remember zombo.com? well turns out before the website was converted to html5, it ran on flash. they had to change it because.. well... The Great Flash Massacre of 2020. stupid adobe... anyway after the song looped once there was a button that would say "Sign Up For The NewZ Letter". dont know if it actually did anything back then but i decided to make a recreation of the old flash version on scratch. i'll probably upload it later, because right now its a little unfinished and i just need to test a couple more things. anyway uhh i noticed that im way more infrequent when updating this thing, so im gonna TRY to push out more chapters often. so.. yeah. i dont really have anything else to talk about. i do have more topic tokens now though!!! and the topic store MUST have topics in stock now... ok *a trip to the topic store* i swear to god none of these are even good THESE ARE BOOTLEG TOPICS!!! i mean, who wants to talk about... "400 gallon banana"? i don't even know what the hell that meant but ANYWAYYYYY seeya later might update this later ok bye now and CHEESE.

chapter 21: EMERGENCY LENGTH EXTENSION, ELTE, and programming

[Mar 12, 2025, 5:41 AM] hello goobers, yes i know its incredibly late (or early??) but this is an E.L.E. because whyislands (the guy i talked about earlier) is now at 56k characters. i am now in full panic mode. anyway to extend this further i was thinking of making something like a shared LTE where people submit their own chapters and entries of text into the LTE. maybe i'll call it the ELTE, for everyone's LTE. man if only i could fit an i in the middle... then it would be ELITE, that would be cool. unfortunately i am too lazy to change the acronym so maybe i'll stick with that. might make an email or something for it so people can email me their entries so i can verify them and make sure they aren't anything like TOO crazy. might work on it later but i wonder if it will get any attention. if by some extreme stroke of luck a bunch of people view it, then the thing can possibly expand like REALLY quickly, if i got an entry that averaged around maybe 5-10k characters a day, in a month it would be around 150-300 THOUSAND CHARACTERS. thats likely never gonna happen though... i dont think it would be considered like an actual TRUE lte, mainly because of the nature of which anyone can add to it, it kinda feels like cheating to me in a way. so possibly expect something in the future. dang i need sleep. but no... i must update this thing... it is my mission to truly make the longest text ever of all longest text evers. right now its nowhere near the record. gosh durn iit knocking tone!!!11! fun fact: i believe knocktons LTE has somewhere around 100,000 words maybe, however the longest piece of english literature ever made... is a damn LOUD HOUSE FANFIC. it has so many words, that the site its on cant even display the word count correctly since it caps at 16,777,216 words, in reality its like 30 MILLION+. guess how many chapters it has? TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-EIGHT. HOW IN THE HELL. anyway i just realized i haven't actually uploaded these past couple chapters on the actual site, buttt i'll do it in a little bit because im lazy!!! i dont know if i mentioned this before (i may have dementia) but i made a 3d engine like thing in python, and it was able to draw triangles and you could move around. but you couldn't rotate your view or anything like that, because i had no idea how the hell to get it to even work. i just knew it was something along the lines of cosine this sine function that... i figured out how to do it in 2D space in scratch, but when it came to 3d it just didn't work properly for some reason. linear algebra hurts me brain (a quote from the Wonder ful source code ofThe wonderful Game). had to rely on wikipedia once again and pray to god that i could get the spaghetti labyrinth that is my code to actually even properly initalize. luckily it did on the second try, it wasn't the first because i just accidentally put brackets where they didn't belong in some parts of it. that was a MIRACLE to happen, normally i spend like 30 minutes on debugging code. now i can finally rotate vertices on the x and y axis!!! yeahh!!!!11 oh yeah i haven't figured out z axis yet. whoopsie!!! yeah im not doing that right now it is really late or early, i don't even freaking know anymore. anyway probably gonna finally upload this thing to neocities now since i've done this whole thing as well as the previous chapter entirely in notepad++. speaking of notepad++, i just realized it has a dark mode. the default light mode kinda hurts my eyes but i never really actually searched for a dark mode setting, until my smooth brain FINALLY thought that "hey change your damn settings your eyes hurt" so i did, and i swear it is so much better. even the gui icons are a bit different, kinda looks like visual studio in a way. i dont use any actual editor like visual studio for programming, but notepad++ is just the better option for me because its simple, VERY optimized so it runs and boots instantly. in light mode for some reason the gui icons are more pixelated and are less simplistic, which dont get me wrong is also fine, its just that on dark mode its completely different and even the layout is changed a bit. at least my eyes aren't strained so much anymore, so good on the developer team for making dark mode :) seriously i thank you. and another thanks for the amount of attention this thing is getting. i NEVER expected this thing to even get 1,000 hits yet it has 3,000+ now. you guys are seriously amazing, and if you actually made it THIS far and read the entire thing, i applaud and congratulate you, especially to the people who have been with me since the very beginning, before this variant of the LTE. i genuinely cannot believe. thanks to N-has-a-site as well, they've also been here way back in the old LTE days, back when dark mode wasn't a thing on this site yet (sorry viewers from back then!!!!). also thanks to everyone in the LTE community for inspiring me to actually write this thing, this would have NOT happened without you guys (including you.). anyway i do want to continue this a bit more but i don't think i can extend much more on most of the stuff, and frankly because im just tired lol. thanks for the support and for sticking with me all this time, and always remember, when its the end of the chapter, you know what that means. FISH- no wrong thing, take 2. always remember, when its the end of a chapter/entry, you know what thats means. its time to say farewell interweb individuals and shout CHEESE.

section VI: the war arc

chapter 22: this MEANS WAR, whyislands.

[Mar 12, 2025, 6:44 AM] ok so me and whyislands were again talking about shit on the discord server, and we have been closely tied in our character counts for a while, and now he officially declares war. he just sent the message RIGHT now. whyislands, you have no idea what i have planned. i have several steam games i haven't talked about yet, i have many programming projects left unfinished yet to be talked about in this lte, i have many topics in line for this lte and you have no idea what i have planned. its on, whyislands. IT IS ON. now for steam stuff: i just became an actual playtester for a new game!!! thats right, its like portal but kind of different, where instead of moving yourself through portals, you use rift like things to scale the very space you are in yourself. its definitely interesting but since it's pre-alpha there isn't really a tutorial and isn't really straightforward and may take a beginner a bit to understand and actually figure out, but i do some tutorial or introduction like segement is added. also if i jump in the elevator that transitions me between levels if i look down they look like they are having a seizure, they just wobble around and shake. now onto another game: oh whats this? whyislands sent another message to me, how amusing!!! he thinks i may as well surrender, but i am not going down without a fair FIGHT. he claims that he has gotten 99 wpm on nitrotype before. whyislands, i have gotten 130 WPM ON MONKEYTYPE BEFORE, your sense of achievement is nothing compared to my power. and he also mentioned how he took a picture of my oc SD CARD, and turned it into a digusting and horrifying mess of an amalgamation, which he actually did THREE TIMES. hes even claiming that i am "COOKED"!!! this situation is rather amusing to me, as he really thinks that i will stop here. it is the exact opposite. He is asking me for peace or war. Don't expect me to give up this easily. Because believe me, this is only the beginning. I will keep continuing this thing no matter what. Whether you continue to battle or surrender, the dfc454 lte of stupidity is forever growing. he really believes he can challenge me, he really thinks he can beat me at my own game. even if this battle lasts days, weeks, months or even YEARS, i'll still be there. typing and typing endlessly until you surrender. i run out of topics? i'll just CREATE one. i can just make a new game and talk about that!! i can insert even MORE meta-talk into this! i have so many ideas that you are simply unaware of. you'll see them soon. you'll see. this is only the beginning. the beginning of a new era for us LTEers. this will go down in history, and this will be documented and the story of our battle will be told for years to come, but until then, i'll be here. still typing, like i am right now. your short entries are no match for the massive barriers and spires of text and words that are my chapters. even the TABLE OF CONTENTS looks like a brick wall itself. don't believe me? look at it. my lte is continously growing, and it will forever (i think). Nothing will stop me. and after all this time, i thought we were allies. you were plotting this the whole time weren't you? you were planning an operation to dethrone me, throw me off of my rightful spot in 11th place on the LTE board, and take what was mine. things only go UP here for me, and its looking like its all DOWNHILL for you, whyislands. this. means. war.

chapter 23: talking about anything really

[Mar 12, 2025, 7:03 AM] its time to talk about anything, really, mainly because i must defeat whyislands in this war. now onto my actual steam games again: pizza tower. easily one of the best games i have EVER played. its platforming mechanics are really fun, and reaaally gets you hyped up in the escape sequences. the main character Peppino is more comfortable and fun to control and makes for a really great experience nonetheless. and no, don't worry, i'm not gonna be spoiling anything in the main story. i actually beat the game quite a bit of time ago, but if your looking for good indie platforming games with cool art, this is the game for you. did i say art? I DID!!! the pixel theme and art is amazing for me. i really love the theme of it, its kind of retro but has this unique look and feel to it. the game is genuinely so fun though, i have to suggest a SECOND time you play it. trust me, it is worth it. play it now PLEASE please PLEAAASEEEE- anyway onto another one. Geometry Dash. im not very good at it, but if you want a good challenge, this is the game for you. right now there are 22 main levels in game. im not listing all of them but the first one is Stereo Madness which is pretty much the easiest one, while Dash is the last one. Dash isn't actually the hardest level out of all of them, because it is only Insane difficulty. oh yeah i forgot to mention difficulties... all of the difficulties are Easy, Normal, Hard, Harder, Insane, and the Demon difficulties. a couple of the main demon levels in the game are Deadlocked and Clubstep. these are probably the hardest out of all of them due to their very difficult nature. you can also create and share your own levels in the level editor, and there are SO many objects to choose from. fun fact: there are around 100,000,000+ online levels on Geometry Dash!! cool, right?? anyway, depending on how good your level is and how well-styled it is, it has a chance of getting noticed by a moderator or the creator of the game. moderators i believe send the levels to the creator to request a rate. RobTop, the creator of the game is the one who rates the levels. they can be anywhere from 1-10 stars. there is an extra difficulty called auto which is just 1 star. these stars aren't ratings by the way, they are difficulty based. auto levels are, you guessed it, automatic. they kind of play themselves. now onto demon difficulties. there are actually 5 different demon difficulties, ranging from Easy Demon, to Extreme Demon. don't let the name Easy Demon fool you though, as they aren't really easy at all, however easy for their nature. They go from Easy Demon, to Medium Demon, to Hard Demon, to Insane Demon, and finally, Extreme Demon. Extreme Demons are the HARDEST levels in the game, and some people take weeks, months or even YEARS to beat one. there are quite a bit Extreme Demons out there, and there even is a Demon List dedicated to these levels and ranking the hardest extreme demons, starting at the top with the hardest one verified. there is quite a bit more i could talk about surrounding geometry dash, but there is a LOT and it might take a bit too long to cover everything, so i may come back to this in a future entry/chapter. i think im done talking about these games for now, i might mention a couple more in another chapter later on, but just remember, this isn't over. i'll most likely add another chapter soon because of the ONGOING WAR/FEUD with whyislands. anyway its time to wave goodbye to dfc454 and remember to shout this at the end of every chapter, "goodbye!!!", and most importantly, CHEESE.

chapter 24: i have made an oopsie/portal mods

[Mar 12, 2025, 7:36 AM] i just accidentally gave whyislands an idea by mentioning seafood in one of my messages so i HAVE to make this emergency chapter in order to stay on pace and ensure that whyislands does NOT surpass me and defeat me. ALRIGHT... new topic new topic... doo doo doo... doo... doo.... AHA!!! found one. i think- aw man this one is expired!! time to search again *10 expired topics later* i am NOT falling for whyislands' trickery, i know these continuous messages are to just bait and get me to mention EVEN MORE ideas for him, but guess what??? i will NOT respond from now on unless my message doesn't have like an unused topic or a topic in general. anyway whyislands is probably typing RIGHT NOW so i need to hurry and start typing MYSELF!!!! anyway... i joined the Worst GDPS. GDPS stands for "Geometry Dash Private Server". basically why its called "Worst GDPS" is because only the really low effort levels get rated. whyislands actually has 13 creator points on it. HOW. their profile is cargarn47. anyway i made a level on it called "Level Destruction", its like minimal effort and i made it in like 30 minutes. basically the level shits itself and slowly "corrupts". basically full of move and pulse triggers. anyway now onto other stuff!! like... uhh... i dont know, maybe more steam games?? aha!!!! that will work because technically its just a FOLLOW-UP to that topic and not a direct dopy, so therefore i can still use it! okay, onto the game. Portal: Reloaded. portal: reloaded is a portal 2 mod that adds a THIRD portal to the game that makes you TIME TRAVEL. go through and it sends you 20 years into the future. go back inside and it send you BACK 20 years. cool, right? i haven't actually beaten the mod yet, but i have to say it REALLY makes your brain wrinkle having to figure out those time shenanigans out. its kinda confusing at times. anyway its a fun mod and i recommend playing it after you've beaten portal 2, and if you do own portal 2, it's completely free! how nice of them!!!! anyway onto another game/mod. this one is another portal mod. Portal: Prelude. this one takes place before portal 1 i assume judging from the title, but it is in fact a portal 1 mod, that has new maps, voicelines and everything. i haven't beaten it yet, but its definitely hard and once again i recommend beating portal 1 before playing the mod. and unlike portal: reloaded, its actually not on steam and requires and actual manual installation, but luckily they have a guide for it to make it a bit simpler and easier to understand. oh boy, i justg heard a discord ping... it could be whyislands trying to bait me into giving him ideas for his LTE again!!! im just gonna take a quick read, but im NOT going to respond!!! let's see here... oh it wasn't in the LTE discord server. anyway portal: prelude's voice acting is kinda awkward but i think they actually used some form of TTS or voice changer for it. some of the voicelines are a BIT suggestive like when we can overhear one of the announcers voice in the background talking about our... physical appearance. and how he states that the character your playing as has a... quite large gluteus maximus. anyway there is probably more on portal: prelude but ONCE again, im lazy and just needed to upadte this real quick in order to be on pace and able to get to 100k faster on the character count... speaking of which, i haven't actually talked about it for a bit. we've surpassed 75k characters!!!! wow, yes, already. didn't ever think i would make it THIS far, now for the ACTUAL character count. lets see... oh my god, we are literally around 150+ characters from 80k. wow... already? didn't expect this chapter to already be that long... i guess its because im making one of these like every 30 minutes now... and we have ACTUALLY DONE IT NOW!!! 80,043 characters!!! this calls for a celebration, bring out the party hats and those... blower whistle... party... things... i dont actually know what they are called. i dont know if you even know what im talking about. does anybody know what they are actually called? are they just called party blowers?? i dont know. anyway yippee!!!! i made it to 80k characters, speaking of which i haven't seen the word count in a good while now... goodness, im at 15,000+ words!!! wow!! i am nearly at 100k, and the dfc454 lte is growing FASTER THAN EVER!!! im gonna probably stop here for now though, i'll most likely make ANOTHER chapter in like 10 minutes, but until then, goodbye, farewell, adios amigos, and CHEESE.

chapter 25: possible victory??

[Mar 12, 2025, 8:03 AM] ok i was right it has been like 10 minutes... actually more like 5. anyway i have just recieved a few messages from whyislands in the discord server saying "ok bro" , "you beat me" and "what the fuck are you doing". i believe i have finally won this battle. i WILL continue to update this thing though. i will never stop. i will not pause, i WILL NOT REST until i think this thing has been made to its longest form and pushed to its absolute limit. whyislands is currently sitting at around 65k characters. OH LOOK!! hes actively typing right now!! coolio!! he is now saying that once i kick you out of 11th place, that he will find me. LOL good luck finding me in texas, i'll be riding around on my horse faster than you can run!!! YEEEHAWW!!! anyway he just found that i now have 80k characters. he is shaking in his boots, but it seems like he isn't stopping there. ok whyislands, you want to keep going? i'll keep going no matter what i'll keep updating to the end of time if i will. nothing will stop me. YOU HEAR ME??? NOTHING. (this part is SATIRE) he is now threatening me and saying when he gets his "grubby little hands" on my ip address, he'll drop 27 nuclear bombs on my house EVERY DAY!!!! oh no!!!! shiver me timbers, i have a VPN on right now so i dont care!!! i'll just destroy my router and get a new one!!! *evil laugh* ok i should probably stop doing that evil laugh, because MAN it is straining my throat. unfortunately this may be a relatively small chapter but due to ongoing announcements and occurances it may continue to get longer. oh god he's getting desperate, he just COPY PASTED A LINK!!!! oh no!!!! we don't do that here in the LTE community bud, i hereby revoke you of your LTE prialealgnges /j. anyway i dont actually have much else, will update when more stuff comes up. THIS ISN'T OVER, WHYISLANDS. goodbye and remember, ALWAYS remember, AND I MEAN ALWAYS, reminder, this is a threat, ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT goodbye and CHEESE. haha, you thought i was DONE??? NOPE, think again!!! whyislands is now confused as why there is now an anonymous person viewing his LTE right now, and he doesn't know its ME!!! now i get to SPY on his lte in secreeeet! (shhhH!) now he's typing "Oh dfc454 WHEN ARE YOU GONNA STOP!??" ...he is now threatening to destroy me. haha, how amusing. he's been saying this all night long and hes also saying he'll destroy my characters!! oh no, its not like i can just make a new one!!! he is now saying "NEVER FIGHT ME YOU FUCKING DUMBASS", how funny. yet here i am, still fighting. i truly am scared, i truly am shaking in my boots and shivering in me timbers. he has said "THE WAR IS ON.". oh whats this? now hes typing about the anonymous person, i wonder who that could be??? he truly doesn't know!!! HA! *evil laugh again* oh god my throat... sorry hold on a second... need a break... *technical difficulties, sorry hypothetical reader!!* ok... im back... anyway now he's still typing about the anonymous guy!! oh wait oh fuck hes catching on he is starting to think its ME!!! do i tell him? maybe i can play mind games on him and not say anything at all while actively spying on his LTE? (by the way most of this is satire dont take this actually like super seriously) i am gonna try something. i am going to load the google doc on a different account so it shows up as another anonymous person so he might THINK that the other anonymous guy is me, but in reality its the first one!!! mwahaha... suspicion is being raised, i must act QUICK!!! these alt google accounts sure come in handy... i have done it!!! i even see my first anonymous thing on the second one, this will really bamboozle whyislands NOW!!! he just said on discord "ong another viewer". i told him that one was me. he thinks that the anonymous liger could be someone else, IF this goes according to plan... he says "i just realized dfc454 is not the anonymous liger". i am succeeding!!! i have successfully tricked whyislands into thinking i am NOT anonymous liger, so now i am free to spy as i please!!! as long as i dont screw anything up, i should be just fine. genius plan, is it not? even if you think that it isn't it still worked so technically its good enough. now i just pray to god that whyislands isn't reading this... well if he is, then Hello there!!!! you fell for my trick!! *evil laugh* ...god that hurts my throat, i should actually really see a doctor... anyway gonna upload this one now, CHEESE!!! [Mar 12, 2025, 8:32 AM] i sure hope whyislands doesn't catch on, if he views and reads this chapter, or even gets a glimpse at it or skims it, my spy plan could be foiled, but not to worry, i can inspect now and gather useful intel. which really isn't useful, its just to document on the war... anyway, he is now talking about donuts. to be fair donuts are good. i can't talk about them here though because he already has the topic himself. i'm gonna pull a funny trick and attempt to request edit access and see how he reacts... lets see what happens. in the mean time, i genuinely have nothing else to talk about... im running out of steam games and most of them aren't LTE worthy, i guess we'll have to wait and see... i just created a meeting jokingly, i doubt anything is going to happen, lets see though... ok yeah nothing happened, how unfortunate. anyway im bored now, i think im done with this chapter for now, ok byeeee and CHEESE. wait never mind, he is ranting about me again... ok hes telling me to fuck off and frankly im getting bored of this and i have gotten no sleep for like a few hours now so yeahhh bye bye and CHEESE.

chapter 26: conclusion

[Mar 12, 2025, 6:24 PM] me and whyislands have come to an agreement to end this war once and for all, and let nature decide if he passes me or not. this is relieving, seeing as if i dont have to make an update every 30 goddamn minutes... anyway im in 10th place now. yippee!!! also the 100k era is approaching. yeah. but war is finally over and we have signed a peace treaty titled "the peace trertyy" ...yeah i dont know either. anyway i think we can all now officially say that peace is now in effect and we don't have to worry about war or character count or even words per minute anymore. the battle was fun, whyislands, but i will say i am glad we can finally put this all behind us. and thank you nonexistant reader for also helping me in this battle by.. erm.... reading this (if anybody did). wow this has definitely been the craziest typing session of my live, man i typed like 18,000 new characters in like an hour and a half. my fingers hurt. i can't feel my wrist. whats a finger? whats a wrist? whats this weird leg thing attached to my torso? hmmm the things on them don't look like feet... hmmm i sure do wonder- ok i'll stop now... damn autocorrect tried to correct "i'll" to "icons". i've had stuff happen like that before. its kinda annoying, but can be funny at times. speaking of typing, hey i have a game for you! type garfield with your eyes closed. here's my attempt: harfielad. horrible, right? thats right, now try it yourself, its hilarious. i mean harfielad doesn't even sound or look like garfield anymore, and yet its just the gain replaced with an h and an extra a between l and d. anyway actually gonna stop typing here for now so goodbye, and ALWAYS remember, CHEESE.

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