Total Character Count: 50,944 | Website Visits:
View Raw Text Here. (No longer updated after Day 9)
21/5/2023 (Day 1)
Character Count: 10,015 Today | 10,015 Total
This day marks the first day I decide to sit here and type the longest text ever. Well not really. This page will eventually (if not already) have about 13,000 characters, mainly so I can be on the longesttextever neocities page. Why am I doing this? The same reason everyone else probably did this. I'm bored, but I have a small goal, and it shouldn't be that hard. Of course it will take a bit of time to type 13,000 characters but I don't think it will be that much. There is a lot in the world to talk about so I'll make it there eventually, and who knows, maybe I might keep going after 13,000 characters as well. Anyways, speaking of the longest text, there's a longest record I actually hold (and my friends too). I talk about this a LOT to so many people, so why not say it here since I have nothing better to talk about anyways. Me and my friends have the world record (publicly) of the longest discord call. Everyone probably (hopefully) knows what discord is, but I won't be blabbering about what discord is forever. Back in August of 2020, me and my friends saw a YouTube video by Sdslayer of him scrolling through his entire group chat message history for a few minutes. Throughout this group chat, they had an ongoing call the entire time, and their call lasted 2 months, or around 1,451 hours. Me and my friends wanted to beat this record back then but we never could. The longest call we got was about 10 days, 15 hours, and a little under 12 minutes. The main problem is we didn't have many people stay in the call overnight. We tried beating the record for about a month until all of us decided to call and quits and give up. On Christmas of 2020, I got a computer for the first time, which was sort of funny because I was 13 at this time and never had a computer until then. I attempted the longest call again around this time with one friend of mine, so it was only us two. Although I kept about 2 alt accounts in the call, but the call didn't even last a day, and at that point we gave up. About a month later, I found this community and made many friends there, we would mainly talk in the server but on 17/3/21, me or someone else had the idea to make a group chat since we never had one. I then brought up how I attempted the longest call back then but never succeeded, and at exactly 4PM EST, we started the longest discord call. I won't talk about every single thing that happened in the call since that would get kind of boring pretty quickly. However though I will talk about big accomplishments that happened in the call, which won't be as boring but will still take a long time. For now, let me cut to the chase. Our call is still going at this current moment of typing this, 2 years, 2 months, and 3 days ago, or 19,083 hours and 42 minutes. Around the time our call started, a YouTuber named FunnyBunny uploaded a video announcing their call hitting 1,000 hours. Their call kept going until around May 7th, when it ended at around 2,400 hours. They started their call around late January of 2021, meaning we were about a month behind them, but their call ended meaning if our call survives a bit longer, we'll beat their record, and it's pretty obvious that we did. This has happened a few times where all of us thought we had the longest call record, but there would always be another call that was still going by 2 weeks. Eventually at around 5,671 hours or mid November 2021, we've had the longest discord call world record publicly since. We have been the first call to hit 6,000 hours, 7,000 hours, etc, all the way to 19,000 hours as of currently typing this, along with one and two years. I honestly have no clue how much longer this call will go on for but it's just a regular daily habit for me at this point. Once the call does end I'll obviously be really sad that this call ended, it's like having a pet for two years and it passes away. That's probably not the best example but you probably understand what I'm trying to say. Now that the call time part is over with, it's time to talk about accomplishments. The first big accomplishment I was can really think of was making a Roblox game, Merge Fanmade. Around late November of 2021 my friend showed me a game called Merge! and the objective of the game is to merge two of the same ball. Each ball is a different color with different material textures, along with a face, and there are 25 different balls. Me and my friends grinded and stayed in-game overnight for quite a while. Our goal was to get ball 25 because nobody ever actually got ball 25. Spoiler: we never got ball 25, but we were close, a little over halfway there with ball 24. Eventually the game died out and I missed the game, so I got a few of my friends and we made our own merge game, and what better name to call it than Merge Fanmade. We created the game around April Fools of 2022 and ran ads along with adding a lot of frequent updates. The game was pretty successful and enjoyable, like expected though, the game died after about half a year later, but over a million robux was made from it, which was honestly surprising to many of us. Another big accomplishment we did was pain. That might sound kind of weird but the game was CALLED pain. It was a roblox game that was basically A Really Fricking Big House, which is basically just another roblox game based off of Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion. pain was a much, much harder version of A Really Fricking Big House. It was so hard that when we ever played the game, we would need 8+ people just to get to get three-fourths of the way there to finishing the game. The game used to be easier, but me and two friends beat it around August or September of 2020. The game was updated and made harder again in January 2021, me and a couple friends gave it a few hours of attempts, but never got really close to beating the game. Around late November of 2021, we started grinding it with a lot more people, and on Christmas Eve, we completed it. With over 11 people there and a total of 30+ hours spent on the game, we finally completed it. About 9 months later there was a harder version of pain with another badge but the game was never beaten to this day still. Another big accomplishment I did (and a couple others in the group did) was the judgement badge in a dream youve had before, another roblox game where you go up endless stairs and see notes plastered everywhere. I won't explain the game but the judgement badge takes around 5-8 hours depending if you continue non-stop. There are many ways to die pretty easily and if you die, you start back all the way to the beginning, very artificial difficulty. I attempted it back in August and September of 2021, but the games anti-cheat would always reset me for no reason and it was really annoying. Around this time as well I got the fate badge. Which you can only obtain through getting ANOTHER badge called nightmare which is a puzzle type badge that takes you about an hour, upon doing that you can attempt fate. fate is sort of like judgement although you cannot take any breaks and there's a much higher chance of dying the farther you go. The best part is once you reach the end after 6-7 hours, you have a 50% chance of even getting the badge! How fun! Anyways, Me and one friend completed fate back in 2021 and judgement was completed a year later by me and two other friends. The last thing I can really think of as a big accomplishment wise is Left 4 Dead 2. Pretty old game but still really fun to this day. There are four difficulties. Easy, Normal, Advanced, and Expert. I would play this back on the Xbox 360 in 2019-2020, around that time I would say we were decent at the game. Once we played on PC in 2021 though, we mainly played a mutation called Tank Run. Every 20 seconds a tank spawns (mainly far in front of you randomly) and if a tank hits you, you go down until someone revives you. There's many items that can help you and many shortcuts but the main thing is that it was really luck based and took us a long time to complete a few campaigns. In the end, we completed every official campaign including custom ones in the steam workshop which were MUCH harder to complete, mainly because Tank Run isn't meant for some campaigns. What I find MORE of an accomplishment though is the difficulties. Back in 2019-2020, we could complete some expert campaigns a bit regularly, but there were custom mutations in the steam workshop that added even more difficulties, and they were NOT easy. There were six difficulties BEYOND expert. Nightmare, Fiendish, Cataclysmic, Pandemonium, Unutterable, and finally, Insurmountable. I won't go over each change in each difficulty, but all you need to know is that the difficulties would make the game SO much harder. So hard that expert difficulty would usually take us maybe half an hour. Nightmare took about an hour, Fiendish took about 6-8 hours, Cataclysmic took 15 hours, Pandemonium took 7 hours (we had more experience after cataclysmic so it wasn't that bad, the difficulty gap between cataclysmic and pandemonium is not that bad compared to others) Unutterable took 45 hours, and we never completed Insurmountable despite that would take a couple hundred hours. Keep in mind we did these difficulties on ONE singular campaign. We're currently attempting unutterable difficulty on another campaign that was said to be easier, we're currently about 8 hours in on the second level, but we are close to finishing the second level soon. I've been rambling on about this topic for a bit too long, for now I'm going to stop here. I'll come back to this in a few hours but I should probably take a break. I've been doing this for about two hours now and I'm losing my train of thought more and more. I just now checked the character count, and it's already just about 10,000 characters. This was honestly not that hard to reach 10,000 characters (including proper punctuation) but enough talking, I'll leave this here for later if not tomorrow (which is technically in about 4 hours).
22/5/2023 (Day 2)
Character Count: 15,347 Today | 25,362 Total
It's about four minutes after midnight, not having anything to do. Apart from just doing this. To be quite honest I have a lot of motivation to maybe get the longest text ever?? I don't think I will but typing 10,000 characters didn't feel all that much work earlier. I'm probably getting ahead of myself though and might just get bored of this tomorrow or the day after, but it doesn't feel like it. Anyways I left off at the Left 4 Dead 2 accomplishments which went on for a good while, speaking of which I was actually playing pandemonium difficulty a few hours ago with someone, hence that's one reason why I stopped typing after two hours, and the other reason is like I said, losing my train of thought. I'm not sure how long I'm going to be typing for now but I can think of something to talk about. I've read a little bit of some other longest texts ever and sometimes I'll see a bunch of letters like yo with 11 o's or just yo being repeated a few times. I'm going to try to avoid doing that, mainly because I do actually want to talk about something since I'm bored, I doubt really anybody is reading this entire thing, or even seeing this current text at the moment in general. That's what you would probably expect though when typing text with over 10,000 characters and if not more in the future. I'm starting to see myself say 'probably' a lot. I've said it only eight times, but I feel like I'm saying it way too much, same with a few other words like 'anyways' or the start of a few sentences, but I don't think that matters, this should qualify as a longest text. I mean it is all text, and it's pretty long, not the longest though. I doubt this will actually be the longest text ever but who knows. Maybe this might be a habit for me every day or two, I can do it at anytime too. The hardest part is probably just thinking what to type about. I'm not surprised if I've talked about the same subject or topic as another long text, since there isn't much to talk about after a while. I guess something I can talk about is things that happened recently. On May 17th at around 4:30PM my power cut out and surged for about twenty minutes. It came back on a bit after which is good. Sometimes my power might go out for a few seconds, maybe even a few minutes, there's been a couple times where my power has been out for over 10 seconds because of something that had happened around our neighborhood. This didn't really happen at the time, but instead it was our internet. Something messed up with our router and we couldn't fix it. I had a phone with unlimited data and a computer with quite a bit to do on there. my internet was out for about twelve hours, it started working again at around 4:30AM but I never realized until around 7AM because I was in bed. Another thing I should probably talk about, my sleep schedule. It's kind of horrible. I sleep at around 6-8AM and wake up at 2-4PM, it's not good. For the past two years it has slowly been cycling over and over, although it doesn't affect me though, it's not a good thing though and I should probably maintain an actual good sleep schedule for once. But back to my internet. I woke up about an hour before my power cut out along with my internet. So I spent eleven hours without internet, I didn't really go insane, I was talking to somebody almost the entire time so everything was fine. I wasn't affected by having no internet for 11 hours. I was just a bit annoyed because it turns out only OUR internet was messed up. The internet being out for 11 hours probably isn't normal but at this time, my parents told me someone would come by in the morning to fix it. So the internet actually started working again even though it shouldn't have? I'm not sure, but by the time the person came to fix the internet, apparently something wrong was with it, but it fixed a little before 8AM, which is a good thing because our call actually hit 19,000 hours at 8AM, and I wanted to be on computer for it when it happened, and thankfully I was. I still find it a bit annoying that this had never happened to me before until specifically now, but whatever. I have only missed one celebration of every thousand hour milestone, and it was 18,000 hours. Try to guess why. My sleep schedule. We were actually hitting it at 4PM and I fell asleep at around 2:30PM, that's how bad my sleep schedule was at the time, it's still bad now but not as bad as just sleeping throughout the day. You're probably concerned about if I have school or not. I do, just homeschooling. No zoom meetings, just a bunch of workbooks where I need to get a lot (and I MEAN A LOT) of work done. Once the school year is about to end, I meet up with somebody, I hand them all of my workbooks I've done, then take a big test. That's how my school is. I am currently in 9th grade and will be in 10th grade next school year. A cool fact about me I guess is I was born the day after April Fools, so April 2nd. My mom actually wanted me to be born on April Fools but it didn't happen. I was born at around 5:05AM? 5:06AM? One of those minutes. Anyways I'm starting to not be able to think about anything to type. I've been here for almost half an hour now, It's 12:30AM. I should probably get up and get something to eat, I'm kind of hungry right now. I will probably stop here and pick this back up in a few hours. I've already passed the goal I originally wanted of 13,000 characters. I'm already at around 15,500 now. There could be a chance I might get the longest text ever, but it's not my main goal. I'm not saying I'm GOING to get the longest text ever, but there could be a chance if I keep doing this. I technically started typing this out about 6 hours ago? 4 hours ago? I'm not sure, and I've already typed nearly 16,000 characters out, which is I believe 3.16% of the way to getting the longest text ever. Again though, I don't know if I'll go for it, we'll see. Enough talking though, I'm going to make me something to eat, I'll continue this in like an hour or two. I just need stuff to talk about. Alright, I am currently typing this at about 4AM, I have not slept at all. BUT I'm here typing even more. I guess I could talk about why the reason of this neocities page is called Slashii. In 2006 or 2007, my parents got an Xbox 360. They chose an auto generated gamertag, which got the name SlashedPort. I still use this name sometimes for YouTube or just anything I don't really update much. Around 2019-2020 I named myself just Slashed and kept it like that with (about) everything until September 2022. I decided to try the name Slashii out and that is currently my name on Discord, Steam, and a couple other online platforms. I originally made this neocities as a project sort of. I took code from this website that would make any song slower overtime, but I'm not that smart to figure it out. I was able to get it working, but it wasn't exactly what I wanted, so I decided to just wipe everything off of here and come up with doing the longest text ever about 2-3 months later. I have some sort of experience with neocities, I've made a few neocities sites, ldc and ldcpuzzle. ldc just shows the current call time by the second right now, go to the page if you'd like. ldcpuzzle is a puzzle for LDC. Come to think of it I've made a lot of stuff for LDC, just a singular discord call, and I've made this much out of it. Now the puzzle is like, really bad, there's not much indication and some levels are just outright annoying and stupid. I wouldn't recommend playing the puzzle. But I spent about 2-3 months working on it and I guess it was a nice little thing to release when the call hit two years. Only two groups have completed it as of now. There was actually a 30,000 robux prize to the first person who completed the puzzle, it only took 8 days for the first group to ever solve it. The second group actually solved the puzzle today. Well, not yet, but in at most 12 hours they will complete the puzzle. It's a lot of nonsense and the puzzle is just really bad and stupid, but at least I got some sort of experience with neocities. There's not much to really talk about now since I've explained really everything. I guess I could just give basic facts about me. I am 16 and I live in Florida. Funny enough I have not left my state ever, I have only been in Florida and I think that's funny. I just remembed LDC had an album. Not like a low effort album, but an actual album I guess. Back in Christmas 2013, there was this 'game' on the Wii where you would have thousands of samples like drums, bass, synth, keys, guitar, SFX, etc,. I would play the game from time to time for the next 5 years and I honestly found it fun. Was it worth spending $50? Absolutely. Around April of 2022, I looked up the game again after years and noticed someone extracted EVERY sample from the game, so you could make your own music on PC instead of the Wii. Around this time, the call was going to hit 10,000 hours. So I thought it would be cool to make an album for 10,000 hours. A lot of people seemed to like the album. So I guess that's another thing I made for an LDC milestone. Another small thing is Jesus Christ from Cameo congratulations us for staying in a discord call for two years. But also, he kind of heard everything we said in our call, so we're going to hell. Especially Brando. Anyways that's all I have to talk about for now, maybe I might think of something to talk about. I've just been talking about the main important stuff that's happened or what I've done for the past couple years. I guess while we're on that topic there's this game I found around August of 2020 on roblox called AFK In A Basement Simulator. In the game you basically just, AFK in a basement. Your time saves (time is in seconds) and once you reach a certain amount of seconds you can equip accessories or have items in your inventory, and you don't lose your seconds either. Another thing you could do in the game is deliver boxes. You would pick up a box at a specific location in the map and deliver it to one of two locations (random). It takes about 45 seconds to deliver a box. I ended up getting first place on both the seconds and deliveries leaderbaord at one point. I had around 10.1m seconds which is about 4 months. And I delivered around 12,300 boxes which means I spent 154 hours at minimum delivering boxes, hopefully you're starting to catch on that I no life a lot of stuff. The game doesn't exist anymore I believe due to a lot of drama which I really can't be bothered to talk about. Another game I grinded (AFK'd) was a game called rng difficulty chart obby, all you do is just sit there and hold W. There's a button in front of you and you have a 1 in 2 chance of dying if you hit it. Eventually each level keeps getting harder to the power of 2. So 1 in 4, 1 in 8, etc,. Eventually the last level just rounds to 1 in 250,000. You die twice every second so this would on average take you 34 hours, which doesn't seem that bad, and it wasn't. Although there's an extra stage called dream difficulty. See the joke is it's 1 in 7,500,000 (7.5 billion would just be humanly impossible). Now THIS level takes an average of 43 days, I believe I took about nearly twice as long as it should, but someone spent twice as much time as ME, which at that point is almost a year, but I completed it after around 14 million deaths. I'm talking about a lot of games now for too long. I'm probably going to stop typing here and go to bed, but I'll wake up before the next day (obviously). I think it's good that I got another 10,000 characters in currently today. Maybe I could type another 10,000 characters before midnight. Hopefully there isn't any specific rules for longest texts, because this feels way too easy. I'm not sure if this is legit or not for a longest text ever but it seems legit to me. Nothing copied and pasted, nothing said a million times, just completely different topics. I really do just have nothing to think about now, so I'll come back to this a while after I wake up and see what I can talk about. Aside from that there isn't much else to talk about, so I'll stop right here. It is about 8PM now, I woke up at around 5:50PM which doesn't happen often, I'd usually wake up around 2-4PM, but I guess not. I'm here now typing again about anything I can think about. My power actually went out again about a minute right after I woke up. I've been having some bad weather recently, like usual. I believe it's a tropical depression so I may lose power for the next few days. At least my internet didn't go out for another 12 hours. I remembered having a really weird dream as well. I was in a store, I apparently did something bad, maybe I didn't, I don't remember. I was taken to a room and my legs were just, cut off. I didn't have legs for the rest of the dream but it felt a little bit like a nightmare, I can't remember everything but it was just really weird and kind of horrifying. It's not as bad as you think though. On the topic of dreams, do you think dreams are just POVs of you in an alternative universe? I read that somewhere, it's cool to think about. Another thing about dreams is I somewhat note down my dreams from time to time so I can kind of remember them and think back at what I randomly dreamed about. I had one dream around September of 2022, I had to leave my house and go to my cousins house I believe, when I arrived, there were a bunch of people playing UNO on the Xbox, one guy got really mad at something and another guy was just screeching. Apparently I wasn't supposed to be there so I just hid somewhere. That's all I can remember from that dream, kind of weird. I've only noted a few of my dreams though, i should probably do it more often because it would be cool to think about. I'm not going to pay attention to how many characters I type every few minutes, I kind of just check whenever I have nothing to talk about or every hours once I'm done. I'm kind of just talking about my life I guess. What about food? Cereal before milk or milk before cereal? I put the cereal in before pouring the milk. I'm not a normal type of eater. I sometimes have ketchup with food I shouldn't have ketchup with. Like shrimp, or hot pockets, or pizza rolls. I'm a very weird person when you think about it. I absolutely hate mustard and don't like many foods, I don't really plan on typing for much longer at the moment so I might just stop and make something to eat again, I'm getting pretty hungry and haven't had anything since I woke up. So I'll leave this again here and come back to it probably the next day. Around 25,000 characters total seems good within the span of maybe 30 hours? Somewhere around there, that's about 5% of the way there to getting the longest text ever, but again as I said many times, I'm probably not going to go for it, I'll get bored eventually and do this much less often but I've been really bored recently so maybe I could get at least 250,000 characters. But who knows, I could just stop tomorrow (I won't) but we'll see when I get bored. I'm pretty motivated to just type about anything. Speaking of which, I wouldn't say I'm a fast typer but I'm pretty sure I have at least spelled something wrong by this point. If I haven't I'm astonished. Alright, I'm going to stop typing here now. We'll see if I continue tomorrow or not.
23/5/2023 (Day 3)
Character Count: 5,164 Today | 30,526 Total
Just noticed yesterday my site has been added to the longest text ever neocities page, pretty cool. Currently the 9th (listed) longest text at this moment. Not sure if I'll get any higher on the list after OF2019's longest text, which is 34,768 characters. Once I reach more characters than them, just to get listed one higher I would need to type a little over double the amount of characters. Quite a huge gap there, but maybe I might pass it in three days or something. But yeah, this is currently day 3 now. It's 1AM so I didn't continue typing before midnight, but it's fine. I'm going to stop typing for a minute and do Songless. Songless is like wordle, except you have one-tenth of a second of a song and you have to try to guess what song it is. I started about last week and I've gotten one or two in 0.1 seconds. You can skip though to listen to 0.5 seconds of the song but it'll be one less guess. It's a bit hard to explain, but you should try it. I'll do it right now. Just finished it. There's actually three different songs to guess now, each being a different genre. I won't say the answer since there could just maybe be a chance someone also does songless and is currently reading this text within the next 24 hours, I'll say what the three songs were before this days over or midnight of tomorrow. I didn't get the first song, I got the second song first try in 0.1 seconds, and the last song I didn't get at all, but I was very close to figuring it out. I'm starting to lose my train of thought since I have nothing to think about or talk about, and I'm also getting side tracked. I think a couple thousand characters is good enough for the start of the day. I might start typing later or when I wake up, which would be around 5PM maybe, but I'll probably be busy doing other stuff until than, I'll definitely right something a little after this. For now, I'm stopping here once again (I should probably just say it in a much faster way instead of saying the same few sentences over and over everytime I say I'm going to stop typing). I'm here at 4AM, only typing for a tiny bit though. I noticed the longest text ever neocities site has a rules page, I don't seem to breaking it (hopefully). I'm trying to avoid saying the same topics over and over along with saying the same word multiple times in a row, or just trying to purposefully make the page longer in general. Just wanted to talk about this though, I might head to bed in a couple hours so this will probably be my last sentence before I go to bed. It's 7PM, I woke up around three hours earlier but was doing some things. I'm here now to type for a bit, I won't be typing much though. I'm starting to lose a bit of motivation to type, there's nothing to talk about and I've been typing for well over 6 hours in the past three days, I could always take a break so maybe I might do that. The only thing I can really talk about in a few hours is the songless answers. Come to think of it, someone could just start reading this in a random position and won't understand things I say like "songless" or "LDC" (LDC is Longest Discord Call abbreviated). I wouldn't be surprised if one person has actually read all of this, it either being a friend or a random person who stumbled across this, most logically would be the LTE neocities page. I don't think I will ever be able to beat my 'record' of the most characters I typed in a day, which is yesterday as of typing this with over 25,000 characters, that could possible be the most characters typed in a singular day in general, but there isn't a page for that sadly (that I know of). Anyways, just wanted to check in and talk about something. I'll say the songless answers before the day is over, that's pretty much going to be the rest of todays text. It's now thirty minutes before midnight. Here to tell you the songless answers of today, along with just trying to get 30,000 total characters before day 3. At this pace I'm typing an average of 10,000 characters a day which would take me another month and a half just to get the longest text ever. Now that that's aside, the first song genre is random I believe. The first song was Eminem - Till I collapse. The second song is Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff, which is hip hop. And the last song was Stronger - Kanye West, which is rock. I would've gotten Stronger correct but I thought it was Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk. Sometimes the website is a bit janky and you'll GET the song correct, although there's many different options of what the song is. Come to think of it, I probably won't talk about songless anymore despite if people do it as well, it wouldn't really matter if I talked about it, and I don't really want to talk about the same thing over and over, but aside from that as well, it will be midnight in about twenty-three minutes. I'm going to stay up until 8AM (who would've thought) and probably not write anything until I wake up later tomorrow, at least I got to 30,000 characters today though. I'm going to do tomorrows songless right after midnight and see what I get, but I won't be talking about it again though unless something crazy happens.
24/5/2023 (Day 4)
Character Count: 1,939 Today | 32,465 Total
It's almost 8AM, I'm pretty tired and I plan on going to sleep soon, just wanted to type something for a bit. There's been a few songs I've listened to for hours on end. For instance I'm listening to Matthew Wilder - Break My Stride. I would say I have listened to this song for over 40+ hours, and it hasn't gotten old yet. There's probably other songs out there I've listened to for around the same amount of time if not longer. I should really go to sleep soon, I'll leave this here abruptly until later. It is now later, I slept in until about 6PM, stayed in bed for about an hour, and got up to do stuff. I was going to talk about something but forgot, I'll probably remember in a few minutes, but yeah. I'm feeling a bit demotivated to type a lot, there's nothing I can really think of to type about. I archived the entire group chat history of our longest discord call. Text document and HTML. The text document is about 53MB and the HTML is a little over 300MB. Something funny too is I have every single video, image, GIF, application (probably not good) and ZIP on my computer which is around 75GB. I have quite a bit of space though, I have an 8TB drive, which is kind of going to be out of space. The only reason is because I like to clip everything, and I MEAN everything. My videos folder of clips/recording is about 5TB. I only have 500GB of storage to work with, I should be getting an 18TB Drive soon though, so I'll be fine at that point. I've archived our group chat twice, since obviously it'll get outdated, which it has been for about half a year now. I should probably archive it again one day, I probably won't though until the call ends, which could be soon, but I won't think too much into the future. I'll see how things go for now. I won't be surprised if I just sound stupid making zero sense right now, I'm just typing whatever I can think of. It's about to turn 8PM now and I'm getting bored, I'll stop here.
27/5/2023 (Day 5)
Character Count: 1,007 Today | 33,473 Total
It appears that I have lost mostly all of my motivation after a couple days. It's like grinding a game for a couple days straight making a lot of progress then you sort of just, stop playing it. Maybe I stopped because I had nothing to talk about, or I truly just lost motivation in typing, but it's fine. I'm a bit bored right now so I'll sit here for a bit and type about something, it's not going to be that long though. I expect this text to only reach about 50k characters before I fully leave it, I guess you could say it's still active since I just started not even a week ago, but that's for YOU to think. I haven't done much lately aside from playing Left 4 Dead 2 difficulties (like usual). I've lost a lot of motivation doing things, whether it's doing something overtime or doing something a lot in the span of a couple days. I don't play many games anymore or do much, not sure if I've grown out of games or what. Anyways I'm starting to just type a bit of nonsense now, I'm going to stop here.
9/6/2023 (Day 6)
Character Count: 707 Today | 34,180 Total
Made my own "cookie clicker" game I guess. It's actually going to be a surprise for when our longest call hits 20,000 hours which yes, it's still going. It's not done but it has some pretty good progress. Just wanted to sort of check in again and type something since it's been two weeks since I've said anything, so this LTE is semi-active now I'd say. I'll still come back here every few days and type something, won't be a lot, but at least it'll be something. Not much has happened in the past two weeks besides some good progress on unutterable difficulty which is almost complete. I've just sort of been chilling the entire time. My sleep schedule has gotten worse though, it sucks. That's kind of it.
30/6/2023 (Day 7)
Character Count: 4,632 Today | 38,812 Total
It's somehow almost been a month since I've last edited this. I got a new keyboard, I really like how it sounds, so that's why I am typing here now. Along with just what's been happening with my life for the past month I guess. Not much has really happened to say the least, I'm not necessarily used to the new keyboard I have but it's a lot better than what I had and I enjoy it a lot more, including the sounds it makes. I may make some mistakes while typing from this point on so hopefully it isn't that much of an issue. I don't know how far I plan on typing today but I do enjoy this new keyboard a lot so I'm unsure if I'll type more than I ever have in a singular day or give up in like 1,000 characters. Anyways, our longest call hit 20,000 hours yesterday. I tweeted about it and submitted it to guinness world records. I doubt it'll be accepted but it's worth a shot. I have officially stepped down as having owner of the group since it's probably better that someone else has it since I don't really do much there anymore. There's actually another call that I just heard of earlier today that is 14,000 hours long, making that the second longest discord call. If our call were to end right now, they could beat us in about 8-9 months (if their call doesn't end). I'm not sure if it's real but it seems like it to me. Something that's probably going to happen after typing today is I probably won't again for a while, but who knows. I just kind of want to keep this updated and I really do like this keyboard. When I tweeted our call hitting 20,000 hours, it actually got a lot of likes surprisingly. I expected it to get maybe 100 likes, 250 likes, the same amount that I usually get when I tweeted our call hitting special times beforehand, but instead it got 7,000 like as of typing this right now. I expect it to go a bit higher but eventually it probably won't get as many likes or views anymore. Speaking of which, the tweet has been viewed 120,000 times which might mean that tweet has given our call the most recognition. My video on YouTube of our call has 23,000 views, and other stuff on Twitter, Roblox, Discord only has a few thousand total. So that many views is crazy, doubt anyone big will see it though, but again, who knows, it's still getting views at this current moment. It will die down eventually so yeah. I've been waiting to get a couple games on Steam and got them yesterday (because of the steam summer sale of course). I gifted my friend a couple games as well, like Cookie Clicker, Left 4 Dead 2, and so on. Speaking of Left 4 Dead 2, me and my friends are on the last level of the unutterable difficulty and might be the hardest level yet in the campaign. We're at around 26 hours in and we might beat it soon hopefully. I was planning to beat it before the call hit 20,000 hours but I guess not. It should be finished soon though. I'm kind of just speedrunning through typing today but I don't really feel like dragging stuff out a bit, I just kind of want to get straight to the point, and as I said multiple times, I love this keyboard a lot. I don't really have anything planned today aside from Left 4 Dead 2 (hopefully). I haven't been able to play it as much with my friends due to everyone not being available, but it's fine, I have other silly things to do anyways. I might stop typing here since I don't really have much else to talk about and I don't want to just start talking about random stupid stuff, but if I really want to get the longest text ever which trust me, I don't, I would have to start thinking and typing of whatever I can at all. I just want to keep typing though because of these keyboard sounds. It's so soothing and relaxing, I feel like I could do this all day and wouldn't get bored of it. Of course, I will get bored though. Soon I will run out of things to talk about and will just get bored. I definitely think it's nice that I come back to this and update what I do every once in a while instead of just working on it for a couple days then just abandoning it. I'm probably going to go play something right now and talk to somebody. I feel like I've typed all of this in 10 minutes, I don't actually remember, maybe longer, but I doubt it. Typing this much back then took me maybe an hour or two, so this is kind of impressive to me. Either I always typed slow and am starting to type fast because of this new keyboard, or I just want to sort of get this out of the way, but who knows. I'll try to start updating this more often, if I ever want to just start typing about random stuff and listen to my keyboard, I can always come back to this at anytime.
1/7/2023 (Day 8)
Character Count: 6,012 Today | 44,824 Total
I've managed to just about fix my sleep schedule, it's not fully fixed because I'm wanting (or should I say have to) stay up until 2am, it is currently about 11pm as of writing this and I have a couple things I can do to stay up until 2am. I'm wanting to do this so I can hang out with my friends more and have a better schedule, in which one of the things I'm doing right now to stay up is type. I'm probably not going to have much to talk about or type about, so I thought why not talk about food. Like what kinds of food I like or what I don't like. I'm not that cool of an eater I guess, there's a lot of stuff I don't really like and I basically have 5-year-old taste buds. I kind of just eat the same stuff I usually eat over and over, something I really enjoy eating though is pizza rolls. They are just so good, I really love them and nothing can go wrong. Pizza as well is amazing, pizzas from stores like brands I've gotten a bit bored of, but places like Dominos, Little Caesars are amazing. A lot of people dislike Pizza Hut, which I can kind of see where people get the idea of that at. Dominos is really good, the crust is amazing, the pizza itself is amazing. Little Caesars is good as well, I like the bread and pizza a lot. There aren't many restaurants or fast food places I really eat at, if not get delivered, since my parents never really go out anywhere at all, and I don't either. There's quite some fast food places I love though, like Subway, McDonalds, Dominos, and a couple other places. Me or my parents don't really order fast food so much though. I love chips a lot, a lot of people have problems with salt and vinegar chips. I don't see the problem with them honestly. I can see why people don't really like them, but I can tolerate them, they're pretty good and water my mouth thinking about it. Maybe I do have really horrible taste buds (I do). I still love typing with this new keyboard, it sounds amazing. Maybe I might upload some audio of just me typing here. Sometime in the next couple days I might link or redirect a word that you can click on that will have an mp3 of me just typing, although I doubt really anybody cares though, but god I seriously just can't get over how nice this keyboard sounds. I feel like I will never get old of this keyboard and just love hearing it for the rest of my time having it. Now that I think about it I probably won't make a redirect here of an mp3 of my keyboard, only because again nobody would care most likely, and also that would affect the character count (or at least make it harder for me). So I probably won't do that, but hey, it was a cool idea though (not really). I really do wonder if this LTE will ever reach something like 100,000 characters. It probably will but not until like months from now. Who knows, maybe I might start picking this up more often but I am seriously going to need to talk about more stuff until I get to the point where every single day is just kind of the same, and that's not really allowed on the LTE boards, along with spam and other stuff, which again, I have been trying to avoid and I'd say I'm doing a pretty good job at it. i definitely feel like my words per minute have increased with this keyboard. Either it's easier to type more quicker or I really just love these keyboard sounds. Another thing I might have already talked about is saying the same thing over and over. I feel like me talking about how I feel like I'm typing faster with my new keyboard has probably been said already. I feel that I'm beginning to repeat the same things again and I really hope I'm not, but at the same time it's only a couple hundred characters out of tens of thousands, I still don't want that to happen though. i haven't really kept track or remembered the LTE 'leaderboard' right now I guess. I haven't checked yet how many characters I've typed today, but I'm going to guess around 5,000 by the end of this. I believe I am still the 10th LTE listed on the LTE neocities page. The 9th LTE is 71,000 characters and I'm only at around 43,000 characters. Which isn't too bad but it could be more if I came back to this a lot sooner or started coming back to this more. Regardless I'm glad I'm within the "top 10 LTEs". There's a lot of things I've made and worked on and done, and I think it'd be cool if I came back to this like 10 or 20 years from now and just read a good majority of this LTE and see what I did back at this time. That would be cool. It's 11:20pm now and I'm probably going to stop here and shower in a few minutes and do a couple other things, I still need to be up for about 2 hours and make sure I don't fall asleep. I'm glad I'm typing here again and not just leaving it like I did instantly. I think before I go though I want to talk about last week, I felt quite stressed around a week ago. Something came up and I was really worried and thought about the future with life. Getting a job sucks, working sucks, but I don't need to get a job until I'm like 18 or something, so what matters is enjoying all the free time you still have left instead of being scared for the future and wasting your current time. I'm pretty tired so I can't really explain that well but I've just been nervous about the future and other stuff, but I should really just calm down, which I have thankfully. I've definitely felt a lot better within the past few days and have had quite some fun. Hopefully you are too to the person who is reading this. Now I just feel like typing for hours and hours, but sadly I can't just do that. I'll eventually get bored and have nothing to talk about, just like with right now. And as I said, I was going to shower in a few minutes and stop here, in which I haven't. I probably should now, I'll begin this tomorrow hopefully, if I don't I'll begin the day after tomorrow. I should be able to stay up until 2am, I'll say if I did or not the next time I type here, it's not really that important and doesn't really matter but I might as well say it anyways.
2/7/2023 (Day 9)
Character Count: 1,603 Today | 46,427 Total
Hello, I won't be typing much today but I did indeed stay up until 2am, nearly 4am actually. I woke up at around 11:20am and should be able to stay up until 2am tonight. It is currently 7:09pm and me and my friends actually beat unutterable difficulty on Left 4 Dead earlier today. So that's basically it with unutterable. We'll still do hard challenges but apart from that we finished unutterable and that's kind of everything that has happened today so far. Again, I won't be here long so I might just type about a couple things then leave this for another day or two. We're coming up on around 50,000 characters soon, obviously it won't happen today but maybe if I type here tomorrow and/or the day after, I might be able to reach 50,000 characters which is pretty cool, almost about a tenth of the way to this being the longest text ever on neocities. I wonder if I will one day get the motivation and just start typing 10k-20k characters a day on here. I doubt I will and I know for sure I most likely won't, but maybe I might try to get this to at least 10,000 characters. I'm surprised a lot of LTEs were from the 2000s. Not even like 2 years ago or 5 years ago, just in the 2000s long ago when I probably wasn't even born. Kind of crazy how time flies. Anyways, I'm probably going to stop here, around 47,000 total characters, I'll probably get to 50,000 chracters within the next day or two, but I'm going to need something to talk about once that time comes. I'm starting to do songless a bit less often now and I keep forgetting, I should probably start doing that more. I will stop here now.
1/10/2023 (Day 10)
Character Count: 4,516 Today | 50,944 Total
Wow, it has been three months since I've touched this page, that doesn't seem right. Three months gone by just like that. A lot has happened within this time and I forgot about many things I'd always do that I said here. I'll recap it and talk about new stuff I've been doing, this is going to go on for a while. I have taken a break possibly forever on the whole "Left 4 Dead 2 Difficulties" thing. I broke my monitor in the meantime and played a couple new games, not that I played them for long. My sleep schedule is still kind of wonky all the time can you believe that wow! I'm not the most satisified about how my keyboard sounds, I'm just coming back to this since it's been three months and have nothing better to do, and it's nice to recap what has been happening. I left the Longest Discord Call, it's pretty toxic there. It was something I wanted to leave for months and eventually there was no point in me being there, apart from being annoyed every single day until I just left, this was late July. A few of my friends left with me as well. I've left a lot of stuff, but we came back to something that I surprisingly never talked about here, and that's long videos on YouTube. The beginning of June 2022 me and my friends had many inside jokes of memes like Super Idol, and for some reason I just said "Super Idol the movie" and I eventually made it a real just slowing it down a lot to 2 hours. We never finished it, but it reminded me of a video from 2017-2018. Do you know those "but its in the description" videos back than like The Nutshack or We Are Number One but everytime something was said something would happen and some videos were just extremely long? We ended up watching one of those videos called "we are number one but it's in the description". I'm not going to talk about every single long video we've watched and what happens in it but eventually we had a list going for a few long videos, and then we made a wheel of long videos, some being short and sweet, and others being extremely long, like nyan cat for 12 hours, or the worlds hardest game theme song for 10 hours, or every annoying orange video ever. Midway through March 2023 long videos just, came to a halt. Me and my friends watched 579 hours worth of long videos. Our goal was 1,000 hours but we thought it would never happen since our friend group kind of separated and messed it up, a little after I left the longest call though I came back and long videos began again with many cool videos and gimmicks. It was nice but I don't want to go too far into depth with it. Maybe if I'm that desperate for characters I will one day, but I don't see myself being active on this, I just wanted to kind of update this after three months. I still can't process how fast three months have gone by. But oh well I'm here again and that's all that matters when it comes to this. Me and my friends eventually finished the wheel of long videos, then made a second one but with a gimmick. A "swap" entry, if you land on it you go to the hard wheel which is just 10-12 hour long videos. If you get swap again you go to the easy wheel which has 1-7 hour long videos. Me and my friends consider a long video 50 minutes or longer. Something cool we're going to do soon is once we watch 1,000 hours of long videos, we're going to watch a 10 hour video of every long video we watched sped up by 100x (or 10000%) making a minute and 40 seconds of long videos go by every in real time second. This will be really satisfying when the time comes. There's many other things we're doing but again, I don't want to go too far in depth with this. I'm pretty lazy if you can tell, speaking of which, I probably won't update the raw file for this, I'm just that lazy to do anything. I'm not this lazy with EVERYTHING but I just don't really see myself putting the dedication into this anymore. It's nice to come back and keep up with this. I don't know when I'm going to come back to this again, I'll most likely come back to this before November but who knows for now. I plan on watching the Five Nights at Freddy's movie in the theatres the day it comes out. I think I'll enjoy it a lot. I see myself enjoying a lot of things whether it's good or absolutely horrible. Like my music taste, or something really annoying and time wasting. I am a very weird person. Anyways I'm probably going to stop here, I don't know what else to talk about. It looks like I've just rushed typing all of this, it doesn't sound right to me but it's whatever.